but who exactly ARE they?

Story: NoScript and other popular Firefox add-ons open millions to new attackTotal Replies: 8
Author Content

Apr 07, 2016
2:10 AM EDT
I don't see the group or names of these "team of researchers" from the Black Hat security conference in Singapore mentioned in this article (other than some reference to a Buyukkayhan et al.) What, is Google or some other big company INTENT on getting end-users to uninstall NoScript and Firebug standing behind in the shadows regarding this "report"??


Apr 07, 2016
6:27 AM EDT
If you click on the Buyukkayhan link in that article you will get to the original report. This research was done by a group of four from Northeastern University with funding from the National Science Foundation.


Apr 07, 2016
8:25 AM EDT
It sounds like a legitimate security concern, but the problem isn't in fact the existing plugins. It's the shared memory model the plugins use and the fact that Mozilla didn't catch a malicious plugin.

From the article, as long as you don't install a malicious plugin you're fine. So if you use NoScript and an adblocker, but don't install any other plugins, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Apr 07, 2016
11:58 AM EDT
Sounds like an interesting article to read... Too bad that I've sworn off reading anything on Ars Technica. The comment forum environment has become too "SJW" and toxic... So much so that I have now boycotted the site.

Apr 08, 2016
12:21 AM EDT
On the other hand, I recently became an actual, paying subscriber to Ars Tech.

There's jerks and know-it-alls, ready to tell you what you ought to think, what you should care about (and how outraged you should be over it), anywhere on the internet you care to go.

It's not as bad on Ars Tech as most places -- and I wouldn't agree that the "liberal"/"progressive"/"SJW" contingent is particularly prominent. And the extremists on either side of any spectrum mostly get down-voted into the virtual ditches.

- - -

Also, the "strong opinions" on that site tend to be harshed or coddled a little differently, depending on the general topic. -- for example, some articles bring out the Linux support, in others (eg. threads attached to Windows-specific articles) the pro-Linux/pro-FOSS perspectives tend to get more heavily downvoted than they merit. C'est la vie).

Most actual complaints that I see are from people who just don't like to see coverage of anything that they deem "too political" -- ie. not strictly about computer hardware, software, or hard sciences.

Apr 08, 2016
6:02 AM EDT
> Too bad that I've sworn off reading anything on Ars Technica. The comment forum environment has become too "SJW" and toxic... So much so that I have now boycotted the site.

It still has some good articles. I just don't bother with the comments. In fact, the only two sites I routinely read the comments on are this one and Vox Popoli. Wikepedia says they're owned by Condé Nast, so SJW leanings would almost have to be a given.

Apr 08, 2016
8:32 AM EDT
For my part I only read the Ars Technica articles that BernardSwiss posts here. He is my filter. :)

Thanks Bernard!

Apr 08, 2016
8:08 PM EDT
I'm flattered :)

... but I'm not the only one who posts worthwhile Ars Technica links to LXer.

And in fact, I arguably tend to focus a little too much on the stories related to "Intellectual Property" issues, so it's a good thing that others are posting their links. (What can I say...? I think that there's more to technology than just bits, bytes and silicon, -- and that we tend to neglect those aspects more than we should).

As for the Condé Nast ownership... that's a relatively recent thing - - and a formal agreement for a "hands off" editorial independence arrangement was part of the deal.

Apr 10, 2016
12:58 AM EDT
I stand by what I said,... Too much a SJW/populist/trollish crowd on Ars Technica... No matter what anyone else thinks... I think the editors there intentionally pick articles that inflame the situation... For me, total boycott.

PS: I'm not the only one who thinks so: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2x1pmn/im_s...

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