Setup Docker Hypervisor on MultiNode DVR Cluster RDO Mitaka

Story: Setup Docker Hypervisor on Two Node Cluster RDO Mitaka Total Replies: 0
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Apr 01, 2016
9:30 AM EDT
DVR && Nova-Docker Driver (stable/mitaka) tested fine on RDO Mitaka (build 20160329) with no issues described in link for RDO Liberty (inside post) So, create DVR deployment with Contrpoller/Network + N(*)Compute Nodes. Switch to Docker Hypervisor on each Compute Node and make requiered updates to glance and filters file on Controller. You are all set. Nova-Dockers instances FIP(s) are available from outside via Neutron Distributed Router (DNAT) using "fg" interface ( fip-namespace ) residing on same host as Docker Hypervisor. South-North traffic is not related with VXLAN tunneling on DVR systems.

Why DVR come into concern ?

Refreshing in memory similar problem with Nova-Docker Driver (Kilo) with which I had same kind of problems (VXLAN connection Controller <==> Compute) on F22 (OVS 2.4.0) when the same driver worked fine on CentOS 7.1 (OVS 2.3.1). I just guess that Nova-Docker driver has a problem with OVS 2.4.0 no matter of stable/kilo, stable/liberty, stable/mitaka branches been checked out for driver build.

I have not run ovs-ofctl dump-flows at br-tun bridges ant etc, because even having proved malfunctinality I cannot file it to BZ. Nova-Docker Driver is not packaged for RDO so it's upstream stuff, Upstream won't consider issue which involves build driver from source on RDO Mitaka (RC3).

Thus as quick and efficient workaround I suggest DVR deployment setup, to kill two birds with one stone. It will result South-North traffic to be forwarded right away from host running Docker Hypervisor to Internet and vice/versa due to basic "fg" functionality ( outgoing interface of fip-namespace,residing on Compute node having L3 agent running in "dvr" agent_mode ).

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