
Story: Samsung hopes Raspberry Pi can spread Tizen OS adoptionTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 09, 2016
10:15 PM EDT
I like the idea of getting some early "play time" with Tizen before it appears in handsets, but unless I'm missing something this isn't a new development. Tizen 3.0 has been running on the RPi2 since mid 2015. See image downloads at:


and see the announcement (undated) from Samsung Open Source Group here:


Feb 10, 2016
12:12 PM EDT
The article basically says that this is not new; it's just becoming more mature and thus more interesting. I wasn't actually aware of it before.

I've mentioned in the past that as long as Android doesn't exist for the Raspberry Pi 2, there is an opportunity for another mobile OS hopeful to make some hay by becoming available on it. There are people who are looking for a way to get Netflix, Amazon Prime video, and other software running on the Pi, so if an effort to port another mobile OS to the Pi resulted in some of that software becoming available, it could be a significant boost to that operating system.

It's funny, because Microsoft could have released a real operating system for the Pi (Windows 10 Mobile) rather than the joke that is Windows 10 IoT (it's a joke because it doesn't do anything that Linux doesn't do better, plus a whole lot more). Apparently, though, Microsoft was afraid to do this, and thus an opportunity to actually see some interest in Windows 10 Mobile was lost. This doesn't bother me because I'd rather see one of the other mobile operating systems take advantage of the Raspberry Pi userbase. I just find it amusing that someone hasn't been quicker to jump on it. There are/have been other mobile systems that could use the boost.

Feb 10, 2016
1:44 PM EDT
that is an interesting development.

my hope is that with the more Free Software minded community around the raspberry pi, tizen will get some more useful Free Software licensed applications. the current choices that i can see in the tizen market on my phone are rather sparse.

in particular i hope that someone will port f-droid to tizen. tizen does support android apps via a runtime environment, and while i would hope we get more html5 based apps, having f-droid as a choice would still be great.

greetings, eMBee.

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