"push the development envelope"??

Story: Windows 10: A comfort blanket for Microsoft's biz usersTotal Replies: 5
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Jan 21, 2015
12:51 PM EDT
Um, that's being generous. I would have categorized it more as "leverage their desktop monopoly to force users to become accustomed to their phone O.S."

To paraphrase Lilly Tomlin - "We're Microsoft, we don't have to care".

Jan 21, 2015
2:34 PM EDT
> To paraphrase Lilly Tomlin - "We're Microsoft, we don't have to care".

MS has lost so much of their former leverage, and that Lilly Tomlin quote explains it precisely.

Jan 22, 2015
10:57 AM EDT
for ego in "Ma Bell" "IBM" "an Amercian automobile manufacturer" "Microsoft" "Enron" "WaMu" ;
    do echo "We're $ego. We don't have to care." ; 

Jan 23, 2015
4:29 AM EDT
The hololens glasses look quite good though

Jan 23, 2015
8:45 PM EDT
That's the funny thing -- I hear that MS peripheral hardware is usually* pretty decent, or at least better than average.

*) web-cams excepted -- they're usually "Win-cams".

Jan 23, 2015
9:34 PM EDT
As much as the bulk of the Windows API is probably held together with bailing wire and string, the threading model is actually quite impressive. I did a comparison paper between the Windows threading API and the Posix pthreads, and Windows threading model compares quite favorably. I had to actually give it some begrudging respect. However, the incompatibility between the Windows threading model and pthreads helps with Windows E.E.E (embrace, extend, extinguish). While it's trivial to get pthreads to work in a Windows environment, it's more problematic to get Windows threading to work in a Linux environment (although there is a library called pevents). That means it's easy (or easier) to port Linux stuff to Windows, but more difficult to do it the other way around...

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