Mint 17.1 - Most Impressive

Story: We have a winner! Fresh Linux Mint 17.1 -- hands down the bestTotal Replies: 4
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Nov 24, 2014
3:30 PM EDT
I became bored with my primary system's Xubuntu 14.04 about a month ago, and started distro hopping. Tried Manjaro with XFCE. UI looked great, but found a lot of less-than-polished edges still remaining with this distro. Then I tried the Linux Mint 17.1 RC when it was released about a week ago. WOW!

I have used Linux Mint a lot over recent years - bouncing between it and Xubuntu as my primary. Mint has always been attractive and solid. But, this latest 17.1 release with the newly overhauled Cinnamon desktop is FANTASTIC! I mean it's like Mac OS X pretty (supports HiDPI displays too), and as rock solid as always. I can actually feel the speed increase and see the lower memory footprint of the new Cinnamon as well. Smooth!

Even if you are not a buntu fan, I highly recommend throwing Mint 17.1 Cinnamon on a thumb drive and taking a look at what all the coming hype will be about. I can't wait to see the new Mint Debian in the Spring, and likely moving to that version (if it's as good as this one). ;-)

Nov 24, 2014
3:55 PM EDT
I tried the latest Xubuntu 14.1 last week and I was surprised to find quite a few rough edges so now i'm back to Linux Mint 17 XFCE.

The one advantage that Xubuntu does have is that Simple-Scan works out of the box with my printer/scanner which it doesn't on Mint 17 which im putting down to newer Sane drivers in Xubuntu. Im hoping 17.1 of Mint will fix that issue.

The other thing I like about Xubuntu is how they put a lot of the additional settings for non XFCE stuff into the XFCE settings manager which is cool and I wish the Mint team would do the same. But apart from that I still think Mint XFCE is the better release in terms of polish and once 17.1 XFCE RC is released im grabbing it.

Nov 24, 2014
5:03 PM EDT
Yeah, Mint 17.1 is pretty awesome.

Nov 24, 2014
8:13 PM EDT

Rolf Bensch has a sane ppa which is tracking git. I use it in Linux Mint 17 and it gives all the latest scanner support.

A lot of the distros are supporting 1.0.23 or 1.0.24 but there has been a lot of additional support activity lately.

Nov 25, 2014
6:29 PM EDT

Thanks, I'll check that out.

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