That just settles it...

Story: Lennart Poettering's Linus Torvalds rantTotal Replies: 12
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Oct 07, 2014
1:00 AM EDT
That just settles it,... Len Poettering is just (continuing to be) a Prima Donna baby,... While Torvalds is not one for political correctness, one has to realize that he makes his statements to provoke emotion and to stir action... not to make threats or be abusive in a personal attacking sort of way.

And Len Poettering has continually subjected the OSS community to his "my way or the highway" coding style,... Pulse Audio, and now SystemD... Good in initial concept,... then sprawling, all-consuming and taking over the farm with little concern for the impact on existing projects,... What does he expect?!?!

He may have some programming talent, but he's not some sort of god. And, he's got a poor attitude when people don't see things his way. He's part of the problem with a large segment of the developer community these days.

Oct 07, 2014
2:06 AM EDT
If his skin is as thick as he states, then why did he block the comments?

Oct 07, 2014
2:16 AM EDT
It may be true that Torvalds has a tendency to use more "bad language" than Poettering does, but I'd argue that, when one considers substance rather than form, Poettering is actually much more disrespectful to others than Torvalds is.

Oct 07, 2014
2:17 AM EDT
> If his skin is as thick as he states, then why did he block the comments?

He must consider himself another one of those self-appointed "thought leaders".

You are merely to read his thoughts and adapt them, not question them.

Oct 07, 2014
9:36 AM EDT
Bernard, I couldn't agree more. Reminds me of Patton, "When I want them to remember it, I give it to them straight, and I give it to them dirty. Then it sticks."

Or something close to that. Been a while since I saw the movie.

Oct 07, 2014
3:10 PM EDT
I find myself thinking of a prison warden that compared working in a mens prison and a womens prison.

In the mens prison, if there was a problem there would be fisticuffs and then it was settled.

In the womens prison, the issue would go on for weeks with jockeying for social positions and badmouthing.

Oct 07, 2014
4:44 PM EDT
Poettering-Kruger syndrome: a cognitive bias in which unskilled developers suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude.

Oct 07, 2014
4:59 PM EDT

That gave me a good giggle :)

Oct 07, 2014
6:22 PM EDT
The problem is that Poettering seems to have some strong backing in Redhat (given that both Pulseaudio and Systemd have been adopted by Fedora and RHEL) and that where Redhat goes most other distros follow it...

This realisation has me quite concerned about the Linux distro ecosystem, it really seems that Redhat has too much power over the direction of Linux distros and a single developer working for Redhat can therefore disrupt the whole Linux ecosystem.

What is wrong with all the other distro leaders?

Why are they all not seeing what we (just like loads of other users) are seeing?

Are they all secretly dreaming of a job with Redhat and therefore don't want to antagonise it?

I mean why else are all those other distro leaders adopting this crap in their distros too?

Is Slackware (Patrick Volkerding) really the only one with good judgement?

Oct 07, 2014
6:45 PM EDT

I to am concerned about the Linux ecosystem, I have been using Linux on/off since 1994 started with Slackware and fulltime since 1996 and couple of months ago I seriously thought about dumping the whole thing due to having to put PA back on one of my systems and all the hassles it caused me. This just should not be happening with an OS that is as mature as Linux.


Oct 07, 2014
7:06 PM EDT
What I find surprising is that Adam Williamson (a Redhat employee just like Poettering and the Fedora community guy, basically a PR job) is very busy defending Poettering in the comments section of this ZDNet article (look for comments from AdamWill).

To me this looks like Poettering has the backing of Redhat for his rant which would mean Redhat is attacking Linus...

Has the billion dollar turnover risen to the heads of Redhat's management to the point they now think they own Linux?

Something is seriously going wrong here...

Oct 08, 2014
5:12 AM EDT
I admit I'm secretly expecting Linus' public answer to Lennart's silly rant. Something in the line of a suggestion to go practice fellatio with Taliban carpet salesmen's dogs. (Grabs huge bag of popcorn).

Oct 08, 2014
8:23 AM EDT

makes one wonder why the RH CTO recently quit...

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