Story: Moving a city to Linux needs political backing, says Munich project leaderTotal Replies: 7
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Aug 17, 2014
2:43 PM EDT

Aug 18, 2014
1:27 AM EDT
not yet. this is just a politician talking about a problem he sees (and a proposal for what he thinks is the solution (the usual: this works on windows, ignoring all the other things that don't work))

according to the article they are researching the complaints (which is something that should be done anyways) and if they do that well, then we'll see what they come up with as a proposal to fix it.

greetings, eMBee.

Aug 19, 2014
3:39 AM EDT
ahum ...
Quoting:Microsoft announced last year that it was moving its German headquarters to Munich. This move is planned to take place in 2016. While Reiter was involved in the deal that precipitated the move and describes himself as a "Microsoft fan," he says the criticism of LiMux is unrelated.

Aug 19, 2014
8:33 AM EDT
Part of Munich's problem is that they essentially created their own respin of Ubuntu for this thing, rather than use an off-the-shelf distribution... That added to their headaches. The other part of the problem is that you probably have one politician who is receiving financial backing from pro-MS sources stirring up trouble.

Aug 19, 2014
10:56 AM EDT
>this is just a politician talking about a problem he sees

hmmmm .... rather a politician, who became a city mayor of Munich, and who is a 'fan' of Microsoft :

Aug 19, 2014
12:41 PM EDT
There were some strange responses on the Ars Technica article from people who don't think that their family would deal with the unfamiliarity of Linux on their desktop machines. I'm not really sure that I understand these concerns. Most of those people likely have iPhones or some sort of Android phone and they seem to deal with that just fine. We have had Linux on our home machine for about 10 years and for the vast majority of what they do on it, the OS choice is pretty irrelevant.

As ever, the problems are mostly related to the over-reliance on Microsoft Office for school work and related to home-office activities. Most people don't seem to realise that the fact that MS Office is so non-portable is actually the crux of the problem.

Aug 19, 2014
1:54 PM EDT
I guess that's mainly because KPat or Aisleriot don't work exactly like Solitaire.


Aug 21, 2014
7:39 AM EDT
The german Microsoft headquaters recently moved to Munich city so Microsoft has renewed their campaign to get rid of Linux in Munich. It doesn't require much imagination to understand what is going on here, money talks...

The unspecified complaints are just a made up excuse, everyone who has ever worked at an IT helpdesk of a company knows that there are always complaints by a certain percentage of employees regardless what software or OS is being used.

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