5. Use BASH

Story: How to reverse a stringTotal Replies: 13
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Jun 29, 2013
6:01 AM EDT
Just for fun :

export z="linux and life";i=0;while [ $i -lt ${#z} ]; do c=${z:i:1}; r=$c$r; i=$((i+1));done; echo $r; unset r; unset i; unset z

No external dependency required.

Jul 01, 2013
10:48 AM EDT
Whenever I compare doing something in bash and doing it in python... It amazes me that people still use non-python for scripting:

text = raw_input("Enter a string: ")
print text[::-1]


Jul 01, 2013
11:37 AM EDT
So why not just make Python your shell?

Jul 01, 2013
12:13 PM EDT
Because it's scaly and slimy. But so pretty designs obviated by it's propensity to bite so fiercely.

Any other questions, My August Gus III?

Jul 01, 2013
12:14 PM EDT
What about Perl as a shell?

Jul 01, 2013
1:28 PM EDT
The Python way is very smart, one may agree we cannot learn all languages however. It was just funny to play with on a Saturday.

Jul 01, 2013
5:27 PM EDT
as in the original article:

echo "linux and life" | rev

pfft. who needs python for this?

Of course, if you want to do complicated arbitrary string handling, something other than a standard unix shell might be in order.

Edit: Much as I appreciate the precision of python, I can't seem to cozy up to it, while perl just feels right.


Jul 01, 2013
5:53 PM EDT

>> export z="linux and life";i=0;while [ $i -lt ${#z} ]; do c=${z:i:1}; r=$c$r; i=$((i+1));done; echo $r; unset r; unset i; unset z

That seems a bit cchaotic. Just for fun, I wonder how it would appear in organized emacs-lisp? Some think that Emacs itself is its own compiler, OS and shell...


Jul 02, 2013
2:00 PM EDT
Quoting:Some think that Emacs itself is its own compiler, OS and shell...
Because it is. Being written in Lisp makes possible a lot of advantages, including being a platform for developing its own extensions, then attaching them for use, without having to exit and re-start. I know, not every Lisp program can do all that, but if you're going to develop an editor in Lisp, it only makes sense.

Jul 02, 2013
3:18 PM EDT
Quoting:Some think that Emacs itself is its own compiler, OS and shell...
Quoting:Because it is.

Its own compiler and shell, yes. Its own OS, no.


Jul 03, 2013
5:27 AM EDT
can't help with emacs lisp, but here is the common lisp version:

(reverse "linux and life")
"efil dna xunil"
or doing it manually:

(let ((result))
    (loop for char across "linux and life" 
             do (push char result)) 
    (coerce result 'string))
"efil dna xunil"

find examples in countless other languages on rosettacode: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Reverse_a_string (emacs lisp is there too)

greetings, eMBee

Jul 03, 2013
4:13 PM EDT
Quoting:Its own compiler and shell, yes. Its own OS, no.
Hey, if Firefox is now an OS, can Emacs be far behind?

Jul 03, 2013
6:09 PM EDT
Quoting:Hey, if Firefox is now an OS, can Emacs be far behind?

Sure, that's possible. Don't get me wrong. Emacs is one helluva program. But its own OS it's not. Not yet, anyway.


Jul 04, 2013
10:08 AM EDT
someone tried running emacs on a bare kernel: http://www.informatimago.com/linux/emacs-on-user-mode-linux....

FirefoxOS also uses the linux kernel.

neither solution goes as far as SqueakNOS which runs squeak on bare hardware.

greetings, eMBee.

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