CB has yet to release details of their own testing

Story: CrunchBang 11 Waldorf ReviewTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

May 22, 2013
10:28 AM EDT
The author of this piece writes:
Quoting:What’s New in CrunchBang 11

I was not able to find a list of changes or new features on the CrunchBang site. I encourage the CrunchBang developers to create a “What’s New” page for future releases. It makes the job of reviewers much easier. See how Linux Mint does it for their distro releases.
Much of the Debian GNU/Linux flagship distro's major "changes or new features" will probably become incorporated into Debian's testing version.

CrunchBang's naming-convention somewhat mirrors that of Debian GNU/Linux itself. Therefore, "Statler" was named after Debian's former stable "squeeze" and "Waldorf" is named after Debian's current stable and former testing version "wheezy". As written on the Debian testing webpage itself:
Quoting:Debian “jessie” Release Information

The code name for the next major Debian release after wheezy is "jessie".

This release started as a copy of wheezy, and is currently in a state called "testing". That means that things should not break as badly as in unstable or experimental distributions, because packages are allowed to enter this distribution only after a certain period of time has passed, and when they don't have any release-critical bugs filed against them.

The CrunchBang developers may wish to consider incorporating the most pertinent details of their own form of "jessie" into their “What’s New” page(s).


May 22, 2013
10:58 AM EDT
Quoting:The CrunchBang developers might wish to incorporate the name of their form of "jessie" as well
He did already some time ago: "Janice"

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