So... after Mr. Varghese went after Red Hat...

Story: Propaganda, Red Hat-style Total Replies: 14
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Jan 31, 2013
3:36 PM EDT
So... after Mr. Varghese went after Red Hat they didn't bend over backwards to talk to him. My heart bleeds. Then we have his description of (Linux Foundation website):
Quoting:There are numerous cute PR women who write stories that can only be described as puff.
Sexist, much? I'm fairly sure what Carla Schroder publishes there, for example, is anything but fluff. No, she isn't always writing scathing attacks. She often writes how-tos and technical pieces. Maybe that's fluff in Sam Varghese's little world.

Red Hat's success makes them one of the biggest employers of FOSS developers. They buy up closed source/proprietary software companies and open the code. They contribute code upstream, including to the kernel, at a rate unmatched by any other company. In other words, they are as close to a model member of the community as any company can be. Despite that they are a frequent target for a handful of writers who just don't like them, including Mr. Varghese.

Why should I consider IT Wire any less biased that What makes one propaganda and not the other? Pot, meet kettle.

Jan 31, 2013
5:59 PM EDT
I just read Sams Article linked here, and thelink to his other article in this article. My goodness someone has an axe to grind.

I'm not sure however that it's Sam Varghese. Just an observation based on what various people have written, here there and around about.

Jan 31, 2013
8:08 PM EDT
Carla is not a PR person. She is a journalist. Big difference there. She is forthright and that's something you can never say about a PR person.


Feb 01, 2013
5:42 AM EDT
It's always fun to see that those, who consider themselves to be the "righteous" happily use methods that they accuse their opponents of using - all for "the good cause". Even more fun it is how they use a different jargon for both, e.g. labeling all criticism aimed at them as "backlash", so they can simply dismiss it without exposing their weak underbelly.

I know Sam as a man who does its own research and occasionally touching a nerve. I don't see anything wrong with that. If people like you, you're probably not doing your job, hence the PR chicks copying and pasting press releases.

Yes, PLEASE throw in the sexist label. I like the smell of a good Godwin in the morning, and it once more shows how feeble all your arguments really are.

Bottom line is, the Linux "leadership" is so infested with PC, it's bound to split the community one more time sooner or later. The silent crowd who forms the core of the FOSS movement has little to do with PC, they just want to write good code. Note all these little programs that make up the bulk of what we use are made by tiny groups of one or two developers who have little to do with the political agenda of these squeaky clean "community leaders" who probably never wrote one decent line of code.

Yes, communists, whale meat eaters, fascists, racists, misogynists, devil worshipers may have their own FOSS projects and are consequently part of our community. I'm not falling into any of these categories, but the mere definition of FOSS dictates that they are. The FOSS community does not fall within the lines of any political agenda. Deal with it!

Or are we falling into the old trap of the "true FOSS community" and the "faux FOSS community" again?

You may note I have avoided the word "journalist" altogether - it's simply been abused too much. Note that too many "journalists" don't do any original research and don't know (let alone act) on the ethical guidelines of a journalist. So don't get me started.


Feb 01, 2013
10:50 AM EDT
Quoting:hence the PR chicks copying and pasting press releases.

Yes, PLEASE throw in the sexist label.
When referring to you, always. For example, your choice of language above. I see you're off on your usual diatribe against anyone who points out very real problems in the community that you choose to ignore or dismiss again.

Oh, and for the record, yes, I've been one of Mr. Varghese' targets. I am also not a PR person. Never have been. Never will be. As far as axes to grind, ta, you have a very short memory. If I really wanted to go after someone who regularly has annoyed the cr@p out of me you'd be top of the list but somehow that doesn't happen. Do I really have to post a list of articles that point out exactly what I'm talking about? I think a lot of people know exactly what I mean.


Feb 01, 2013
2:59 PM EDT
> When referring to you, always. For example, your choice of language above. I see you're off on your usual diatribe against anyone who points out very real problems in the community that you choose to ignore or dismiss again.

...and juxtaposing between caitlyn's questionably vehement "discussion" between herself attacking the other three above re: Sam Varghese is the excellent SJVN (=Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols). Now THERE is an inoffensive but highly EFFECTIVE technical writer! Ne'er a scathing attack from SJVN nor a vengefully-motivated comment ever seen!


Feb 01, 2013
3:40 PM EDT
Well... Mr. Varghese never wrote that you were a convicted felon in his comments, did he? He tried that stunt with me and his editor pulled it really, really fast. I could have and would have hired an attorney down under if they hadn't. That's was libel, pure and simple. You want to call my being just a bit upset by that and holding a grudge about that "questionable", well... everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Shockingly we agree on one thing: SJVN is an excellent writer.

I also have never understood why you dislike me as you do, flufferbeer, but I have noted that you never miss an opportunity to say something negative about me. Hopefully others have noticed as well and will take your comments with an appropriate grain of salt.

Feb 01, 2013
4:35 PM EDT
>> you never miss an opportunity to say something negative about me.

NEVER EVER miss an opportunity to say something negative ???!!! That's beyond delusional.

Pot, meet kettle. I think you'll very EVENTUALLY find that way down the road, your vengefully motivated pick-'em-off comments against *all four* of us commenters here you happen to disagree w/ WILL come around ta bite you in the behind just like they may have against Sam (at least 1 can only hope so). And indirectly more re:RH and good journalism, maybe one of you (Sam) can write a good article on Fedora's replacing MySQL with MariaDB? (just a hint)


Feb 01, 2013
4:38 PM EDT
I'm not wrong. I attack all commenters? Really? That's beyond delusional.

Clue: I'm not a journalist and haven't written any articles at all since I took my new job in September of last year. I do plan on writing again in the near future, but it NEVER was my profession or career.

Feb 01, 2013
5:00 PM EDT
>> And indirectly more re:RH and good journalism, maybe one of you (Sam) can write a good article on Fedora's replacing MySQL with MariaDB? (just a hint)

Oh, maybe it wasn't too clear: Sam targeted Red Hat in his ITWire opinion writing, Fedora is one of the major offshoots of Red Hat, and SJVN of course is another technical writer as is Sam. THERE, I finally got in the last word on the subject (so far ;o )


Feb 03, 2013
8:29 PM EDT
Here you go, fb, my piece on MySQL:


Feb 03, 2013
10:52 PM EDT

Quoting: As far as axes to grind, ta, you have a very short memory. If I really wanted to go after someone who regularly has annoyed the cr@p out of me you'd be top of the list but somehow that doesn't happen.

Whatever floats your boat, caitlyn, grind away.

Quoting:Do I really have to post a list of articles that point out exactly what I'm talking about?

Works for me, so far all the articles you've claimed are personal attacks and character assassination, are pretty stink examples... based on what I've seen so far, Sam Varghese really needs try a lot harder.

So far caitlyn, the only person who even gives the appearance of attempting character assassination is you. Just an observation.

Feb 04, 2013
1:50 AM EDT
@ tracyanne: +1 to that.

Feb 04, 2013
9:20 AM EDT
Do I detect a scintilla of discord swirling around miss caitlyn? I'm dismayed. ;)

Feb 04, 2013
11:38 AM EDT
I've pointed out that Mr. Varghese's attempt at character assassination, at least when it comes to me, was removed by his editors. Hard to link what not's there, isn't it?

FWIW, the MySQL/MariaDB article is an excellent rundown of the situation.

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