Can you say 'Monopoly'

Story: Microsoft to end Windows 8 discounts on January 31Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Jan 19, 2013
9:07 PM EDT
Can you say "Monopoly"? (I knew you could.)

Seriously, how can anybody pretend to explain Microsoft's pricing, otherwise?


Jan 20, 2013
12:08 PM EDT
Quoting:Seriously, how can anybody pretend to explain Microsoft's pricing, otherwise?

It is marketing psychological facts:

Higher prices makes products appear more attractive.

Low prices devalue the merchandiser People think free advice is worthless

People believe in "you get what you pay for". More money means more value.

People will pay for what others want and desire.

Etc. ...

Remember, Embrace, Extend and Extinguish! MS mastered and extended the marketing book IBM wrote


Jan 21, 2013
10:52 AM EDT
I find the price of Windows to be irrelevant, except as the marker by which I tell someone that "Right from the start, you are not spending $XXX.XX for the OS, Office, and virus blocker." as I advocate Linux.

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