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Nov 05, 2012
8:02 PM EDT
For the past 5 years, I have used an HP Compaq 6710b laptop as my principal computer with openSUSE in various versions as the OS. The setup has never missed a beat and I am delighted with the results. I certainly do know that when I next go looking for a new laptop, HP will top the list and there are already some "you beaut" offerings out there, even though they come preloaded with some sort of Microsoft stuff. Just change the hdd and you are away, although it's doubtful I would even consider storing a Win8 OS and would simply overwrite the lot.

For HP to have taken these steps really emphasises (at least to me) the direction the company sees IT moving in the future. Nice indeed.

Nov 05, 2012
8:34 PM EDT
Recommend that when you spring for a new laptop to make sure you check out the processor first... There are some machines out there with the "mobile" versions of the newer processors, that lack hardware virtualization support... So, any thought of running KVM for anything, would be right out the window.

Nov 05, 2012
9:50 PM EDT
Ta JaseP......but, and it's a big "but" (and if you start laughing our friendship ends here and now - believe me I'll hear you), I have seriously avoided using virtual computers so the KVM problem just doesn't exist for me. I actually cringe at the thought of setting up a VM and since the demise of Win4Lin, I have avoided them like the plague. As I implied above, I am far more at home with just swapping the hdd over. I get what I want and know it works. The only swaps I ever do are for openSUSE and WinXP or Win7, and that occurs very, very rarely (once in 6 months) so who cares ? For almost 98% of the time, I just run on openSUSE.

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