Slackel is quite good

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Nov 05, 2012
12:23 PM EDT
Slackel is based on SalixOS. It replaces the version of KDE in the Salix repo and in the SalixOS KDE edition, which always tracks the Slackware release, and substitutes the absolutely latest, cutting edge version of KDE as well as a variety of very current KDE apps.

I've played with it a little and it worked very well indeed on my hardware. What SalixOS doesn't handle out of the box won't be handled well by Slackel either. For example, Broadcom wifi firmware isn't included last I checked, so it takes a little knowledge and work to make the Broadcom chipset in my netbook work as it should. Other than that I really have no complaints. If you like SalixOS and/or Slackware but want to stay on the edge when it comes to your desktop and apps then Slackel is a very good choice.

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