Is this what LXer has become?

Story: Everything works out of the box in Zorin!Total Replies: 23
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Aug 16, 2012
2:37 PM EDT
Quoting:Everything works out of the box in Zorin! All the applications you will ever need is available.

I guess I'm just wasting my time with Debian and Ubuntu.

Quoting:You see, I liked computers when I was 4, and when I was 6 I would look on the Wikipedia...

OK, Wikipedia started in 2001, so this makes the maximum age of the author 17. I've nothing else to say.

Aug 16, 2012
2:45 PM EDT
You're complaining because they post a review of a distro?

Now, I'll admit that I don't even have to read it to know that it isn't a very good review, but...

It's not like there have been 30 Zorin articles posted in the last week the way there are Ubuntu articles, and it's not like most of the Ubuntu aritlces are any better written.

LXer is a Linux and FOSS news aggregator site, with some original work. Sometimes there's not much quality to aggregrate. That doesn't mean they shouldn't make availalble what there is.

If you want better quality articles, write them an submit them. It's not like they won't welcome them with open arms. They've even taken some stuff I've written.

Aug 16, 2012
3:26 PM EDT
"They've even taken some stuff I've written."

Me too. And knowing this inspired me to write better.

Aug 16, 2012
5:09 PM EDT
Quoting:If you want better quality articles, write them an submit them.
Do you think this will inspire him for something productive?

There are some people who only can throw rotten tomatoes in people who do SOMETHING. I got used to it, and I pay no longer attention to them. Just ignore whatever they fart.

Aug 16, 2012
5:13 PM EDT
Stop your whining ducky. It is unbecoming.

Aug 16, 2012
5:34 PM EDT
> Do you think this will inspire him for something productive?

I assume he's got productive things to do darkduck. I'm merely pointing out that criticizing LXer because it's a slow news day and they link to what's available isn't one of them.

Aug 16, 2012
5:59 PM EDT
@smallboxadmin, you really must be a jaded old fart, if all you can do is complain a bout a complimentary article written by a a fairly new and younger member of the Linux community.

Are you one of those people who doesn't want new members, so the community can remain exclusive?

Personally, after reading the article I thought the quality was quite good, better than some articles we get , from self proclaimed journalists, in fact. Rather than moaning and bitching about this 17 year olds attempts, would it not be better to offer your depth of experience and journalistic acumen.... no scrub that, the kid is doing better on his own.

But then I just noticed, it's on Dark Duck's blog, so it's obligatory to moan and bitch.

Aug 16, 2012
6:06 PM EDT
At the risk of boring myself to death -- all they talk about at my $dayjob is curation vs. aggregation -- I think of LXer as a place where every and any article on Linux and free software can appear.

Aug 16, 2012
6:54 PM EDT
Quoting:You're complaining because they post a review of a distro?

No, the "complaint" is on a poorly written article, even considering the authors age. Reference my original quote from the article. Well, I'll give you the inherent naivate. If you would have read the article, it is not a review.

@tracyanne really must be a jaded old fart...

Why, yes I am, you nailed that one down. However, I am a father of teenagers and work at a university, so I deal with young people all the time, which I rather enjoy. So I have no bias against young people.

Quoting:Are you one of those people who doesn't want new members, so the community can remain exclusive?

Actually, I'm quite the opposite if you knew me. I've spoken at Linux Linux conferences and actually have done a little bit of writing, but don't mistake myself as a journalist. I also listen to and give feedback to Linux podcasts.

So, we want constructive criticism? OK, "All the applications you will ever need is available." is not taking into consideration all of the applications individual users and business use. One cannot make a blanket statement like this considering the diversity of Linux users.

"Zorin is customizable, you can change the background, the theme, desktop effects and even the boot splash!" This is not unique to Linux, Windows or OS X.

Several topics are covered in this article, the Zorin gushing, why you use Zorin and some anecdotal stories of your experiences. Maybe a thorough review of Zorin, with supporting facts of why Zorin is so great would have been a better article. An article on how you became interested in Linux and why it's well suited to your needs would be interesting.

You may also want someone to review your articles before posting them. Someone that can check and review your grammar and paragraph structure.

Quoting:...and I pay no longer attention to them. Just ignore whatever they fart

That may be your problem right there. Not only your attitude, but the way you articulate it.


Aug 16, 2012
8:11 PM EDT
> So, we want constructive criticism?

Yes. Which you then helpfully provided.

Now, why didn't you do that to start with?

Aug 16, 2012
8:13 PM EDT
TBH, this is what LXer has become:

Aug 16, 2012
8:29 PM EDT
<sigh> More sour grapes.

Aug 16, 2012
8:32 PM EDT
Quoting:Now, why didn't you do that to start with?

Because I'm a "jaded old fart".

Aug 16, 2012
8:37 PM EDT
Quoting:Because I'm a "jaded old fart".

Axe chew ally, if you think about it, a lot of us fit that description.

Aug 16, 2012
8:38 PM EDT
I am very happy to submit the Fuduntu article -- give me the link here and I'll submit it. I got the link and submitted it.

Aug 16, 2012
9:24 PM EDT
> Because ...

Well, that's actually a pretty good reason. :)

Aug 16, 2012
10:06 PM EDT
Darkduck posts piles of cr@p content.

Two words: Ad revenue.


Aug 17, 2012
2:22 AM EDT
"Hell is paved with good intentions", goes a french saying.

Aug 17, 2012
9:40 AM EDT
Kikinovak, I thought it was "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Could easily be a transcription error.

Aug 17, 2012
9:56 AM EDT
At least the articles serve the purpose of being an effective illustration of the Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

Aug 17, 2012
10:02 AM EDT
> Kikinovak, I thought it was "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

That's the commonly used phrase, yes. But a Google search shows that the usage he gave seems to be the original version.

Aug 17, 2012
10:14 AM EDT
Likely changed by someone who considered paving hell to be a useless gesture.

Asphalt wouldn't survive the heat.

Aug 17, 2012
6:24 PM EDT
The article is drivel. The kid could have written "I love Zorin! It's great!" and you pretty much have it. As a number of people have already pointed out teh claims made for Zorin can't possibly be true. It doesn't literally cover all hardware out of the box or have every possible application anyone would need. No distro can do that. Not a one.

Is the quality up to darkduck standards? Of course. It fits in perfectly well.

Aug 17, 2012
6:34 PM EDT
> The article is drivel. The kid could have written "I love Zorin! It's great!" and you pretty much have it.

Well, that pretty much places it on par with the other Zorin reviews that have been posted lately. I can't say I'm surprised.

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