Looming Danger

Story: Canonical Touts Its New Microsoft PartnershipTotal Replies: 8
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Jun 08, 2012
11:17 AM EDT
Quoting:Microsoft is now allowing non-Windows platforms to run on their Azure cloud computing platform. Besides Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, other distributions being offered by Microsoft on Azure include CentOS 6.2, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2, and openSUSE 12.1.

MS would rather see Linux server Distro inside its tent than outside. So describing it as "inviting" is more accurate than "allowing". It is MS that is breaking from its normal strategic practices and doing all it can to create a friendly environment for Linux Servers and attract as many as possible.

Hmm, Have anyone noticed that Red Hat is not on the list? Could it be the reason why Red Hat is using the "Secure Boat Anchor" to play footsies with MS? We shall see.

This invitation could be the long term plan that will enable MS to curb any threat it faces from Linux Servers in Cloud Services. Along the "Secure Boat Anchor" for desktops and personal devices, MS will avoid its demise for a bit longer.

Having Linux servers available from MS would do couple things for it. Primarily, it would be a good selling point to convince its customers to keep Windows servers instead of losing them to only Linux, consequently retaining its customer base intact. And second, have higher leverage in its competition against other Cloud Services suppliers.

But the question is, how is that going to play for Linux Server suppliers?

Suse & Ubuntu already joined in. and Red Hat saw what is coming. If Red Hat does join, and along with other factors, it will face double the competition. So, its safest bet is to some how get on it with MS. Enter the "Secure Boat Anchor".

For Linux Servers in general, in the long run, it is not going to make a huge difference. There will be many companies who are going to realize that Windows servers are not necessary or needed. They will be an additional point of failure, unnecessary cost, and undesirable lock-in.

Just thinking.


Jun 08, 2012
4:58 PM EDT
Where are the attacks on Canonical accusing them of "drinking the Microsoft Kool Aid" or being owned by Microsoft? Surely, if Canonical made a deal with Microsoft they should be skewered all over LXer.com.

Jun 08, 2012
5:25 PM EDT

-- begin quote --

Suse & Ubuntu already joined in. and Red Hat saw what is coming. If Red Hat does join, and along with other factors, it will face double the competition. So, its safest bet is to some how get on it with MS. Enter the "Secure Boat Anchor".

For Linux Servers in general, in the long run, it is not going to make a huge difference. There will be many companies who are going to realize that Windows servers are not necessary or needed.

-- end quote --

I agree that Suse, Canonical, and Red Hat are ALL totally guilty of caving to M$ with Secure Boot and Azure. Not so sure over the short-run, though, that these three Linux-based companies can fully keep M$'s greasy paws off getting into Linux Servers in general. It seems to me that the M$ Borg is already making inroads here. Long-term, I'd totally agree that Win$uck$ servers are not necessary or needed and would just be discarded by attrition for the reasons you mentioned.

I'm wondering how you'd see this new OpenStack cloud services thingamajig affecting M$'s Azure inroads??


Jun 08, 2012
5:33 PM EDT
Azure? This is an interoperability thing, nothing more... It's really not worth mentioning, any more so than M$'s code contributions to the kernel...

Jun 08, 2012
6:06 PM EDT
Quoting:I'm wondering how you'd see this new OpenStack cloud services thingamajig affecting M$'s Azure inroads??

Huge potential, especially in governments and service oriented organizations (Schools, Hospitals, e-Libraries). But I don't underestimate the shenanigans MS can pull to get businesses into using its Cloud Services.

IBM is one player that is not getting much attention. I expect IBM to be the leader, especially when it comes to Intelligent Cloud Services on the fashion of IBM Watson where information not only stored, but the way it is intelligently retrieved also.

EDITed: 2012-06-09: Interesting article about OpenStack & MS Hyper-V


Jun 08, 2012
6:16 PM EDT
Quoting:Azure? This is an interoperability thing, nothing more...

Not according to this

Edited: 2012-06-08 and This, which I read now 2012-06-08 6:35 EST

MS is making alliances with Linux Server distributors to isolate Red Hat.

It all beginning to make sense now


Jun 08, 2012
10:43 PM EDT
> MS is making alliances with Linux Server distributors to isolate Red Hat.

OK. That makes sense. And in true Microsoft fashion, if they succeed in almost bankrupting Red Hat, they'll probably then buy the company and backstab all the people who helped them do it.

Jun 09, 2012
11:58 AM EDT
Quoting:they'll probably then buy the company and backstab all the people who helped them do it.

That would be Ubuntu and the rest of Linux major distros in the US. It is not so bad since we will still have Debian and many of its derivatives together with various really independent distros.

On the bigger picture, MS is hurting Linux development and usage mostly in the US while the rest of the world keeps advancing way ahead.

Very Unfortunate.


Jun 11, 2012
8:39 PM EDT

"MS is making alliances with Linux Server distributors to isolate Red Hat."

"On the bigger picture, MS is hurting Linux development and usage mostly in the US while the rest of the world keeps advancing way ahead."

If the M$ Borg really is out to isolate and hurt Linux development at Red Hat, Canonical's Ubuntu, and other major Linux vendors in at least the U.S., then how long can it really be before the Borg eventually pick away and try getting at Debian, those "various really independent distros" and ultimately even Richard Stallman's GPL itself?? (I hope this can never happen no matter how desperate M$ will INEVITABLY get; just asking!)


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