What?! NOW they want to hire design engineers?

Story: Canonical Hires Designers for UbuntuTotal Replies: 10
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May 18, 2012
2:33 AM EDT
Shouldn't they have done that BEFORE putting out Unity?

(Sorry -- cheap shot, but couldn't resist)

May 18, 2012
9:18 AM EDT
Bling Bling!

(Another cheap shot)

May 18, 2012
12:42 PM EDT
This has nothing to do with design engineers. The article says they're looking for designers, mainly UI designers. UI designers aren't "engineers" any more than fashion designers or interior decorators are.

May 18, 2012
1:43 PM EDT

You need to get with the time, they have been prompted to a higher status, and hence called engineers. :-)


May 18, 2012
2:24 PM EDT
I Think Bernard raises a good point, and most of us took it as redundant.

Now they call in designers to dress up the urban blight of Unity.....I cease now to be amazed..

May 18, 2012
3:35 PM EDT
+1 and RIGHT ON on hellios!

As I wrote before, Baboontu is kindness towards Primates and humanity towards others. Designer-dressing that naked monkey can't change its basic nature.


May 18, 2012
5:41 PM EDT
I'm pretty sure they already had a design staff. Something must have happened to them.

May 18, 2012
5:59 PM EDT
The acid wore off.

May 18, 2012
6:20 PM EDT
It was brown acid, clearly.

May 18, 2012
6:39 PM EDT
Well, I had been wondering if (as seems fairly likely) they already had a design staff -- in which case the question would seem to be: why do they need so many new ones, all at once?

May 19, 2012
2:29 AM EDT
To help move window control buttons back to the right.

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