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Story: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Beta FrustrationsTotal Replies: 11
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Mar 27, 2012
5:54 PM EDT

I can't for the life of me understand why these supposed technophiles download unfinished work and then set about bitching about all the stuff that doesn't work right or that they don't like. File a bug report for crying out loud; no need to tell the world. Ubuntu is the only distribution I can identify where tech blogs will test to death every single alpha and beta release leading up to the release candidate. Sorry folks, but Ubuntu simply isn't that relevant anymore. My advice is to wait for the release candidate, then check that out as it's likely the closest to what can be expected in the final release. Then, don't be surprised when developers ignore user comments or suggestions and simply do their own thing as they've done since, I don't know, Ubuntu 9.04. Geesh!

Mar 27, 2012
7:02 PM EDT
Just read the authors other articles...from "Three Reasons the Ubuntu Desktop Lags the iPad"

Quoting:The iPad is installed on specifically engineered hardware designed to work perfectly with the iPad software.

What the h#ll does that mean? Clearly this person hasn't a clue.

Mar 27, 2012
7:45 PM EDT
I don't know what the rest of you think, but in the Linux distro world, I think of a beta release as "this is what you're going to get in the final release minus any bugs we can fix between now and then." And in the case of Ubuntu, "then" is April 26 -- a month from now.

So you're not going to get any new functionality or radical changes until the next Ubuntu release (12.10, I presume, in October). Hopefully there will be plenty of bug fixes, but I imagine that the final release will look and for the most part work exactly like it does now.

Mar 27, 2012
7:55 PM EDT
Who cares? Ubuntu is irrelevant now anyway.

Mar 27, 2012
8:19 PM EDT
If it's really so irrelevant, just why are WE talking about it?

Mar 27, 2012
8:20 PM EDT
Speak for yourself. ;-)

Mar 28, 2012
1:23 AM EDT
@Bernard: for the same reason we comment on every article that pops up here, even if we think it's BS, FUD, etc.

Mar 28, 2012
5:46 PM EDT
Honestly, reviewing an alpha or a beta release is like reviewing a cake by sticking your finger in the batter and tasting it. Why do people (Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, who I expected more of, did the same thing with the Precise beta) write such things?

I didn't read the entire article -- after the second screenshot, I lost interest -- but does he ever do what he really should do in this instance, and that's file bug reports on what he's finding wrong? Would I be off-base if I thought he didn't?

Mar 28, 2012
6:02 PM EDT
You don't get page views and advertising dollars by filing bug reports. You do get those things by writing up endless articles about trivia.

Mar 28, 2012
9:06 PM EDT
@1cafiero, Wouldn't it be false to state that you're not off-base about avoiding to file bug reports if you didn't think HE didn't avoid not doing so?? or is that itself untrue??

If the experiences of those users who HAVE reported bugs are true that they were basically ignored by Canonical developers, then I don't think there is enough of an incentive to take the effort of filing bug reports in the first place. If this particular writer has the free choice to use another distro such as the wildly popular Linux Mint instead of his rant against the Ubuntu 12.04 Beta, then maybe he should just go ahead and do so.

Anyway, +1 Khamul.


Mar 30, 2012
12:25 AM EDT
flufferbeer: Yes. Er, no. Maybe. My point was that the article was really pointless, and if he's test-driving a beta, he should pass on what he finds wrong to folks who can fix it, not to the general readership of his blog.

And Khamul is right -- you don't get eyeballs for submitting bug reports. Sadly.

Mar 30, 2012
4:00 AM EDT
AND on top of what Larry just said, if you are writing about a fairly narrow subject, to a fairly narrow readership, it does get difficult to come up with subject matter as deadlines loom and editors constantly text you about aforementioned deadline.

I can see where that might incite someone to take this route.

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