I Am Puzzled

Story: Forget About Google Docs, LibreOffice Cloud Coming SoonTotal Replies: 12
Author Content

Mar 24, 2012
12:14 AM EDT
The register reports: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/03/22/libreoffice_cloud_se...

Quoting:"At the moment we are focusing more on this because of some of the opportunities that are arising, which we can't disclose now," he explained. "We will have the cloud version roadmap out in April."

SOFTPEDIA reports: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Forget-About-Google-Docs-Libr...

Quoting:"At the moment we are focusing more on this because of some of the opportunities that are arising, which we can't disclose now," said Italo Vignoli in the intreview. "We will have the cloud version out in April."

SOFTPEDIA threw away the word roadmap, that changed the meaning completly and made it sound like LO for the cloud will be available next April


Mar 24, 2012
3:25 PM EDT
Clarification has been posted by italovignoli @ 13:02 Here

Quoting: The Document Foundation will probably announce a ROADMAP for LibreOffice OnLine sometimes in late April or early May. A ROADMAP and not a PRODUCT, and this should be absolutely clear. At the moment, there is no reason to expect a change in the previously announced release timeframe: “sometimes in 2013″.


Mar 26, 2012
10:13 AM EDT
SOFTPEDIA: One step above Phoronix, barely.


Mar 26, 2012
8:30 PM EDT
Well, now that CNet Download.com has decided to (directly contrary to their trumpeted self-presentation) wrap adware/malware into their download process, where else are you going to send people -- that they will trust, and remember when they're back at their computer?

I prefer to send Windows-users to MajorGeek.com -- but many just don't feel comfortable with such a "questionable" name; "Softpedia" sounds so much more respectable.

Mar 26, 2012
9:17 PM EDT
Just send Windows users to the worst malware-infested place you can think of. Then, when they complain about the malware, tell them "that's what you get for using Windows".

Expecting a malware-free experience with Windows is like expecting a Ford Pinto to not explode in flames when rear-ended.

Mar 26, 2012
10:46 PM EDT
Quoting:Expecting a malware-free experience with Windows is like expecting a Ford Pinto to not explode in flames when rear-ended.
This is a bad example, since the defect was only affected the pinto for about 6 months before it was corrected, when the media got a hold of it, since Ford knew about the defect before releasing the car, but they felt the cost savings were worth the risk, they were very wrong. Their stupidity ruined the pinto and 40 years later that is all anyone outside of the pinto community think that all pintos will explode, pretty much any pinto on the road will not blowup when rear ended. But a windows computer will encounter malware, if the driver isn't paranoid.

Mar 26, 2012
10:47 PM EDT
> ...where else are you going to send people...

Filehippo.com: http://www.filehippo.com/

Mar 27, 2012
12:35 AM EDT
...pretty much any pinto on the road will not blowup when rear ended.

You SAW a Pinto on the road? Recently? Dude, that ranks up there with unicorn sightings and...well, pick your most obscure thing and paste it in.

Sad, Sad thing. the very first car I bought off the showroom floor was a Pinto. My other choice was a Chevy Vega but they were sold out. That's too funny.

Outside of my TOS violation, that is a good analogy.

Mar 27, 2012
9:40 AM EDT

I saw this post and another from a couple of days ago,... How you doin'???

Mar 27, 2012
10:24 AM EDT
Quoting:...where else are you going to send people...

On Lxer, we have a list of vendors in "The Pre-Installed Linux Vendor Database", in case you missed it. How about a list for sites to avoid or at least stay away downloading from? I think it would be very helpful & appropriate.


Mar 27, 2012
10:55 AM EDT
Jase. thanks. I'm ok. but this d@mmmmm reaction to the rad treatments have the level of "ok" fluctuating from hour to hour. I just published a blurb in BOH so you can see there what we are doing and a bit to catch folks up on what's going on.


Mar 27, 2012
3:12 PM EDT
It's not just the Pinto; in more recent history, the Ford Crown Victoria also blew up when rear-ended, as many police officers found out. Ford decided they'd save more money with a poor design than they'd pay out in lawsuits.


Mar 27, 2012
10:50 PM EDT
I do see a pinto from time to time, on good weather days. But the rarity is part of the comment.

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