To be a succesful Linux company

Story: Three Reasons the Ubuntu Desktop Lags the iPadTotal Replies: 3
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Mar 09, 2012
3:09 PM EDT
The author makes a good point that Ubuntu does not have an effective strategy in the PC market.But as one post points out,the Apple hardware model would not work as well if users can just load up cheap generic PC's with their own copy of the OS.However,Arm-powered netbooks/tablets (hopefully with keyboards!) could possibly offer an opening for a FOSS supportive company,precisely because users CANNOT load their own OS on generic devices that easily.I seriously doubt that FOSS-supportive company would be Canonical,given their historical allergy to competing with MS cash cows Windows/Office(i.e.they notably avoided contributing to Libre office/graphics hardware/Wine support for essential apps,sane business desktop interfaces!,competition in education/emerging or other markets not as susceptible to SW compatibility inertia/MS practices),preferring instead to dump into the Linux server/embedded markets with their privately funded non-sustainable business model, (hopefully not displacing/discouraging the Linux companies who actually do contribute the bulk of "free" software which we thoughtlessly benefit from,leaving us with a non-upstream contributing,centrally-run dictatorship.)

Mar 09, 2012
5:15 PM EDT

(That's "Giant Wall Of Text.")

lxerguest, spaces and paragraph breaks are, maybe not your friend, but definitely mine.

Mar 09, 2012
5:34 PM EDT
And Canonical seems to be suing….well no one I can think of and Apple well it’s suing the entire world. Want to think outside the box, don’t choose Apple. Want to customise something, don’t choose Apple. Want to live in a world without ITunes…don’t choose Apple. Want to play that video on the external interface as well as the laptop display…ummm yeah can you say the word RESTRICTED.

A VERY short list of issues.

See any common thread here?

You don't own and Apple, Apple owns you.

Mar 09, 2012
11:53 PM EDT
Quoting:Apple manufactures hardware and have as a selling point built a software ecosystem that is popular and marketed well. Ubuntu is a free OS, an open system, that can not be confined to one ecosystem. You can not distribute Ubuntu only hardware.

No, that would be silly. But…. what you can do is distribute hardware on which Ubuntu, or any other Linux, for that matter, is guaranteed to work perfectly. That is what the spark tablet is… hardware that Linux with a KDE Tablet desktop is guaranteed to work perfectly.

ZaReason and Linux Emporium and System 76, and others, do this, and with, specifically, Ubuntu Canonical could do this, giving them a stable base, and an income, and a growth vector, with Ubuntu preloaded on hardware that fully supports Ubuntu, and incidentally any other Linux based OS.

Anyone who wants to install Ubuntu or any other Linux on any other hardware is in the same situation they are in now.

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