darn it all to heck anyway

Story: A quiet communication went publicTotal Replies: 26
Author Content

Mar 05, 2012
11:54 PM EDT
Dammit Ken, you were just getting warmed up!

Mar 06, 2012
1:18 AM EDT
Sorry to hear that Ken...take all the time you need bud. let us know how you're doing when you're ready to.

from your friend in Alberta.

Mar 06, 2012
1:37 AM EDT
Watching, waiting and supporting Ken. Every good wish from Australia.

Mar 06, 2012
3:48 AM EDT
Sorry, really sorry, Ken. I wish you and your family well. You are one person I've respected from afar.

Mar 06, 2012
8:04 AM EDT
Ken --

You've been through so much over the years, it's hard for me to process the possibility that there might be something you aren't tough enough and cussed enough to lick.

It's made my life better to know you, even in that ethereal invisible kind of knowing that the internet provides. Whether it's Tux on a race car or staring down the abusive mother's boyfriend who is trying to undo the good you are doing for some poor kid, your stories become my stories, and I become better off for it and so does my family. Imagine that, Ken: you've helped my kids and you've never even met them. Heck, I'll bet you don't even know they exist. It's amazing how long our reach is, and much of the time, we never even know. I'll be there are a lot of people like that -- a mighty Ken Starks penumbra whose lives are better because you did something -- even a tiny thing -- that touched a life that touched another. Cool stuff, that.


Mar 06, 2012
9:36 AM EDT
Well, that explains a lot.

We're all mortal, but it's a pain to be reminded of that in such a vivid fashion. You have my email, Ken. Contact me if you need to.

Mar 06, 2012
12:29 PM EDT

The subject line is entirely too tame. Strength, good sir.

Mar 06, 2012
12:43 PM EDT
From strength to strength.

Mar 06, 2012
1:18 PM EDT
Ken, I hope you pull through. I just had a tumor removed from my throat 2 months ago, which luckily turned out to be benign but was scary nonetheless. Hang in there; I don't think your time is up yet.

Mar 06, 2012
1:27 PM EDT
You could have knocked me over with a feather, Ken.

Real sorry to hear this awful news, will be thinking of you guys.

Mar 06, 2012
2:02 PM EDT
Best wishes to you and your family, Ken.

Mar 06, 2012
3:03 PM EDT
Long time reader... (You know the drill). And yet this has to be the first news on LXer ever that made me shout "Oh sh**!" out loud.

Hang in there, Mr Starks.

Mar 06, 2012
3:06 PM EDT
May the depth of your strength match the depth of your good heart.

Mar 06, 2012
3:16 PM EDT
You've beat it before. Godspeed, sir!

Mar 06, 2012
3:25 PM EDT
God bless you, Ken.

Mar 06, 2012
3:56 PM EDT
While it's been said by others, and far better than I can possible say, but I wish you and your family well.

Mar 06, 2012
4:20 PM EDT
Good luck Ken, hope you pull through this.

Mar 06, 2012
5:30 PM EDT
I don't know why bad things happen to best of good people, but with your endurance and tenacity, you overcame previous situations. I have high hopes you will do the same with this one.


Mar 06, 2012
5:36 PM EDT
You are only allowed to leave these earthly confines with prior approval from me..which of course I am never giving you..;-)


Mar 06, 2012
11:09 PM EDT
Ken I wish you the best. Good luck.

Mar 07, 2012
6:19 AM EDT
+1 for Khamul's comment.

Ken, I do hope you pull through!

Mar 07, 2012
10:32 AM EDT
Some of you know my own little survival story. A prognosis is just that... prognostication. They can be entirely wrong. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, Ken. Hopefully you can beat this.

Mar 07, 2012
10:50 AM EDT
Best of luck Ken. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Mar 07, 2012
1:58 PM EDT
As I learned from reading Groklaw: "I repeat the averments in all the preceding good wishes, with the same force and effect as though they were set forth fully herein."

Good luck, Ken!

Mar 07, 2012
3:17 PM EDT
Best of luck Ken. I hope you beat this.

Mar 08, 2012
1:43 AM EDT
Ken , I wish you all the luck available in this world. First, as a person who has been working " there " for over 10 years, almost 24/7, I know extremely well what it is. Second, as someone who is better off than you, but only by a very little bit, I know the pain. Not the physical one. The other one. The one which you can't master nor control. We are about the same age and I for one, don't pray the Lord for one more day, but instead thank him in the morning for having given it without asking. It helps. At least for me. And for comfort, you are still lucky to have a family.

OK, I wanted to write this since post 1, but hesitated. Now it's done.

Mar 08, 2012
10:50 PM EDT
I,... I'm at a loss for words,... Well, I won't let that stop me though...

Ken, I wish you all the hope and (good) luck in the world. I hope that between existing medicine, and crazy experimental stuff, like printing you out a new trachea (it's been done, or so I hear, and this kind of 3D tech is something I've been meaning to experiment with), that you can lick this this thing.

And if all else fails,... I wish you and yours peace. And, if the Great Architect of the Universe ultimately decides he wants you in his immediate company, ... I hope someone picks up the mantle of your work...

You're a good man, Ken Starks,... And if it were up to me, you'll be with us quite a while longer... I only hope my prayers count for anything with the Big Guy.


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