Tail chasing

Story: You know what I’m excited about? Windows 8.Total Replies: 12
Author Content

Feb 21, 2012
12:52 PM EDT
M$ is following Ubuntu's Unity lead in the next GUI revolution. Whether that is over a cliff or not is another question.

Feb 21, 2012
1:18 PM EDT
Yeah, that remains to be seen. KH is fairly gushing over Win8 with plenty of hyperbole thrown in.

I don't know - they do have the luxury of focus groups and junk, but this smacks of change merely for change's sake. I can't see why this huge GUI overhaul to mimic a tablet UI is necessary except to combine them both for expedience and money.

I'll keep my KDE4, ty.

Feb 21, 2012
1:22 PM EDT
Gnome had the luxury of focus groups and usability studies too, and look where it got them: you can't even turn off your friggin' computer without some secret key combination, and everything useful for productivity is hidden or removed to "reduce clutter" and "eliminate confusion".

Feb 21, 2012
1:34 PM EDT
@all, maybe so, but...

If they are really are going to be HTML5/CSS3/javascript centric, it opens up a lot of possibilities for some of us who do not develop things for Windows.

Feb 21, 2012
2:32 PM EDT
People are already complaining about DEs being too "heavyweight", needing too many resources, etc. Making them all glorified web browsers by using HTML5/CSS/Javascript is just going to make them even slower. C++ or a similar compiled language (compiled to native machine code, not to bytecode like Java) is the proper language for this application.

Feb 21, 2012
10:09 PM EDT
Maybe the desktop and web browser will merge and become??? Chromebook?

Feb 21, 2012
10:51 PM EDT
@jhansonxi: or Active Desktop.

Feb 22, 2012
10:53 AM EDT
@Khamul I had read those focus groups were relatively small in comparison to the amount of people using Gnome. Anyone have info on how many people were in those groups?

Feb 22, 2012
11:01 AM EDT

Judging from the egg laid I suspect the focus group was a bunch of Havoc Pennington's buddies. They wreaked havoc (a funny joke).

Feb 22, 2012
6:23 PM EDT
Focus groups are notoriously variable, inconsistent and difficult to replicate, and notoriously sensitive to very trivial, irrelevant and often even external factors Even the experts find it difficult to make them produce meaningful, reliable results -- or even substantially similar results from one session to the next. Over-reliance on a single or a few, let alone rather casual, focus-group sessions is a recipe for delusion.

Feb 22, 2012
7:25 PM EDT
I consider the source of the article, which makes it worthless and meaningless drivel.

Feb 22, 2012
7:31 PM EDT
As far as i'm concerned he may as well titled it 'Click Bait' so I didn't bother, mind you stopped bothering with Ken's stuff a long time ago. I'm almost certain I've not missed anything important.

Feb 23, 2012
3:16 PM EDT
@BernardSwiss Aye, hence my question if anyone had what kinds and sizes of groups Gnome used for useability testing. I swear they gave the participants tablets, they were happy with that UI, so they decided to extend that to the desktop.


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