Just as an "irrelevant" aside

Story: Windows 8's five biggest enemiesTotal Replies: 7
Author Content

Feb 16, 2012
6:35 PM EDT
I always enjoy SJVN's articles on any topic, and I think he is probably correct in his assessment that as the years go by, Microsoft is becoming what I would call "sidelined" in importance. To my mind, his last paragraph brings up the concept of "increasing irrelevance" - and in the not too distant future either.

However, as an aside, it is always fascinating to see the howls of derision and the mud slinging that occur in the posted comments on that particular site in general, if someone writes anything that offends Windows fans. No matter how much an an article is thoughtful, researched etc., the vitriol flows nicely and they attack personally as well. It's just one of the reasons I never bother with the site apart from occasionally checking headlines.

Feb 16, 2012
7:23 PM EDT
I used to really like ZDNet, and before that I even bought their magazines (when I couldn't wait my turn at the library copy, or an issue was "really good"). Of course, in those days I used Windows.

And back then SJVN was about the only guy there who was willing to discuss Linux as a credible option. Sever or desktop. Or actually had a clue about Linux. But in those days, though the comments were full of ignorant "howling" (good term), sneering dismissals of, or downright rabid attacks on, Linux, there were a fair number of very knowledgeable people who actually deployed and used Linux -- often in quite large (up to and including Fortune 500) enterprises and desktops. SJVN's articles demolishing official "studies" comparing cost, performance, serviceability, etc, were educational -- and not just about the technology ;-).

In fact, the comment sections were often more informative than the articles. But now, the comments attached to Linux articles on ZDNet are barely worth reading -- no one seems to be left except the die-hard Windows fanbois, and a few stubborn Linux fans who have the patience to replay the same tired old set piece, with the same old arguments dressed up in new "studies", commentaries and "analyses", the same old parries and ripostes dressed up in new sound effects. I suppose it might still be usefully informative to newbies -- but I'm not sure. I'm not newbie enough to assess their impact on the ignorant but open-minded reader, anymore.

When I'm really bored, or tied to my desk with nothing more important to do, killing time, or having a sick day and wanting some light entertainment, or I've forgotten my current book at home, I might still join in, but most of the time it's not worth it.

Feb 16, 2012
10:52 PM EDT
I have an even more irrelevent aside...I read the headline as "Windows 8's five biggest enemas."

Feb 16, 2012
10:57 PM EDT
Thanks Carla, I had the check, you are right, it doesn't say that.

Feb 16, 2012
10:57 PM EDT
@Tuxchick.........would you kindly stop making statements like that........I find it difficult to type while I am laughing. I wish we had a bigger and better item than LOL which translated into "uncontrolled of laughter with wife joining in as well." Redmond's problem is, that you're right. Don't know what will ever shift their refuse though.

Feb 16, 2012
11:27 PM EDT
@tc: understandable, considering their using a four-color nappie as their logo... I half expect someone to do an honest version that's brown at the edges.

Feb 17, 2012
1:30 AM EDT
My people. You make me laugh :)

Feb 17, 2012
12:34 PM EDT
In 2006, after a few beers, John Hall threw a fatherly arm around my shoulder and explained one of the ultimate truths about blogging to me.

"If the first comment to your work consists of someone inanely attacking your point, you've indeed made your point well."

Although SJVN serves as a lightning rod for much of the Linux Community, it would seem he is doing his job properly. While disassembling a Windoze Fanboi argument has become almost boring in the past 8 years, I hope he takes as much pleasure in it as I do.

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