How do we know this is probably a good anti piracy move

Story: Shoe on the other foot: RIAA wants to scrap anti-piracy OPEN Act Total Replies: 3
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Feb 02, 2012
5:06 PM EDT
Other than the fact that the RIAA opposes it.....

Probably the fact that they have expressed concern for small business in America.

Feb 03, 2012
3:03 AM EDT
They know that whatever they do we oppose it, so they oppose this bill to trick us into sopporting it.

Feb 03, 2012
3:19 AM EDT
One of the reasons given for not supporting this bill is because it would require lawyers, and the rule of Law, and courts, and not just their say so. The reason "that it would cause problems for American small business" is of course rubbish. They aren't concerned about small business in America, or anywhere else. It was, after all, small American businesses that were making money from having a presence on Megaupload, small businesses in the form of independent artists, who didn't want to go through the RIAAs gatekeepers,, and pay their toll, and instead were making a decent living from people downloading from Megaupload.


Feb 03, 2012
10:03 AM EDT
I say we don't need any of this. Not having it didn't slow them down with MegaUpload. They even went to the expense of military helicopters and crap.

If you want these bills killed, I have the solution. Convince OPEN's supporters to include amendments to the DMCA, permanently exempting personal backups, ripping for interoperability with multimedia networks in the home, and exemptions from patent prosecution for noncommercial open source software. That'll put the MPAA/RIAA's efforts squarely behind killing the measure.

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