Positioned for growth? I'd love them to explain that one

Story: Microsoft blames poor Windows sales on PC slumpTotal Replies: 2
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Jan 20, 2012
3:06 PM EDT
The drop in sales is due to the poor economy. Nothing MS can do about that. OTOH, their market share on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices is negligible. They have never been able to take a dominant role in the server room. The desktop PC is all they have and while that will be around for a long time yet it's an area where they are facing increasing challenges as well. I don't see how Microsoft's core business model can work for growth.

OTOH, they are trying extortion and may move on to patent trolling in court. Litigation roulette is a gamble. It may work for them. OTOH, it may work no better than it did for SCO.

Jan 21, 2012
9:20 AM EDT
I think the Barnes and Noble litigation will go a long way in defining the MS path Caitlyn, Of course, what Microsoft lacks in public relations, they make up with hubris. Being beholden to stockholders will make a company do strange things in order to keep that board of directors happy. I don't put it past MS to employ patent litigation into the foundation of their business model.

Jan 22, 2012
9:44 PM EDT
M$ was behind the whole SCO thing... They followed the money,... It lead to M$'s door.

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