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Story: New Job, Old Operating SystemTotal Replies: 6
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Jan 14, 2012
2:37 PM EDT
In the last sentence, should that read "trial in patience"?

Jan 14, 2012
2:48 PM EDT
BTW, you've nicely nailed why I am so critical of Windows. My school provides me with a Expee desktop, which on occasion I must use.

My patience has worn thin. Very, very, thin.

And every day I find new ways to avoid relying on it. Much to my happiness.

Jan 14, 2012
5:25 PM EDT
Yes it should - thanks for the correction. I type my non-technical posts in a hurry sometimes.


Jan 14, 2012
6:00 PM EDT
Jeff, I split time between an XP desktop at the office and my Debian-running laptop.

Dropbox has been a great help in this. I expect any other file-sharing/backup service that has Linux and Windows clients would also do this well.

I use Filezilla for FTP on both Windows and Linux. I have Gimp, Inkscape, Thunderbird, Pidgin and LibreOffice on the Windows box. If it's cross-platform, I use it.

While I have the Geany text editor in Windows, I prefer Notepad++ -- -- a free/libre editor that's native to Windows. I use it constantly.

Jan 15, 2012
5:16 AM EDT
Notepad++ is a great piece of software - I used it for many years when I was simply scripting in python before I found Linux. Shame it doesn't have a Linux client.


Jan 16, 2012
9:07 PM EDT
Gedit would best Notepad++ if it added the following:

-- Better change-case function (accessible via shortcut keys and not just the menu)

-- Ability to search/replace across multiple open files


Jan 16, 2012
11:48 PM EDT
Steven - The second can be added via a plugin for gedit. It is the first thing I do after installing it.


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