
Story: Microsoft confirms UEFI fears, locks down ARM devicesTotal Replies: 5
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Jan 13, 2012
1:02 PM EDT
I anticipated Microsoft squeezing this in on the quiet.

If you read the original PDF, the UEFI stuff on secure boot is in italic and much of it is bold also.

They obviously don't want anyone to miss that bit :D

It would be sooo funny if a load of manufacturers just told them where to stuff it. I suspect not though.

Jan 13, 2012
1:54 PM EDT
Sadly, that won't happen. I do expect lockout on traditional Intel/PC platforms to start appearing one way or another as well. Money talks and everything else...

Jan 13, 2012
6:09 PM EDT
How can we expect Microsoft to give hardware/software freedom when vendor providing Linux based systems don't even do this?


Jan 13, 2012
6:37 PM EDT
Fortunately, we as Those In The Know won't be grossly affected by this. We will either build our own hardware or purchase it from an OEM we trust. I personally have had great experiences with System 76 the past two years and use them exclusively for my system purchases. I also recommend them exclusively now.

I contend that while MS is going to complete a successful end-around here, in the long run, it won't make a difference to the consumer. The Best Buy crowd simply buys what the sales floor guy tells them to buy. They wouldn't ever be considering a dual boot or a wipe and install of Linux anyway....good little consumers that they are.

Is it a huge injustice? Ya GD right it is and I fully expect another anti-competitive/anti-trust action to be taken against them. But from a consumer point of view, no one is going to care. As long as they can watch clips from the upcoming Kardashians/Jersey Shore and access FacePlant, all is well in their world.

Jan 13, 2012
11:13 PM EDT
I'm reminded here of Garelick Farms, the sole dairy products supplier in my area who took a "No-BHT" pledge and said so on their containers when my kids were growing up. I happily paid the premium for their milk for the better part of two decades just to ensure that my boys weren't messed up by more than just being my kids.

So, who'll be the first mobo / system supplier to sign the No-UEFI-Lock pledge? There should be a badge graphic for that, something iconic that Ma and Pa Drooler can learn to watch for on cartons and websites. Whatever group is leading the charge against this cr@p should come out with it, turning the pledge into a visible sales feature.

Jan 14, 2012
2:02 AM EDT
helios wrote:I fully expect another anti-competitive/anti-trust action to be taken against them.

Huh? Maybe in the EU, but here in the US the corporate wh0res in Washington would never allow it. Heck, I fully expect SOPA to pass, even though the entire tech industry (except for those turds at GoDaddy) is firmly against it, just because Washington is in the pockets of the media companies (apparently, the media companies are more even generous with those [strike]bribes[/strike]campaign contributions than the big tech companies).

By the way, here's another vote on the petition to add strikethrough to the bbcodes here!

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