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Story: Consumerization: The New ColossusTotal Replies: 16
Author Content

Jan 04, 2012
12:17 PM EDT
From his reply to a commenter:

Quoting:Profiles, which are virtual machines,...

Jan 04, 2012
1:40 PM EDT
Friends don't let friends read Hess articles.

Jan 04, 2012
4:34 PM EDT
The VMs that will be on mobile hypervisors are currently referred to as profiles by the people building them. Sorry.

Jan 04, 2012
4:40 PM EDT
Rather than call them by a term that was already in use, they should have called them something more descriptive of their function. Maybe "Nazi Concentration Camp Guards" would be more (in)appropriate...

Jan 04, 2012
5:11 PM EDT
Here is a link to prove it. Including a quote directly from VMware using the term, profile:

And another: %E2%80%99s-end-user-capabilities-the-vision/

So, you might learn something if you weren't so busy being anti-Hess article.


Jan 04, 2012
5:31 PM EDT
Perhaps Ken, if you spent less time writing click bait, you could spend less time defending yourself.

Jan 04, 2012
6:39 PM EDT
I thought his article and the related comments were interesting. I'm not convinced BYOD is the future in enterprise IT but I'm not sure full-time employment is either.

Jan 04, 2012
7:42 PM EDT
Quoting:So, you might learn something if you weren't so busy being anti-Hess article.

The two articles you reference use the terminology differently. I wouldn't categorize myself as anti-Hess, though I don't find your articles enlightening.

Jan 05, 2012
9:58 AM EDT
Quoting:So, you might learn something if you weren't so busy being anti-Hess article.
My comment was not directed at your current article -- which I haven't read -- but at all of your articles in general. IMHO, you're a troll, posing as a tech guru.

Jan 05, 2012
10:12 AM EDT
@tracyanne - not writing click bait. It's a good article on my own ZDNet blog.

@ComputerBob - I actually am a tech person. Not a guru because that's a silly, outdated term.

Jan 05, 2012
11:56 AM EDT
Quoting:No two profiles can mix because they’re essentially virtual machines that run on a hypervisor directly on your iPad. Now, your iPad is three iPads: One for work, one for personal use and one for the kids. All on a single device. The same concept works for phones, laptops, netbooks and ultrabooks.

I didn't read the articles in detail, but using the term virtual machines is inaccurate and gives the wrong impression of what is being presented. Virtual Machine means concurrently running totally different OS/Firmware environments on the same host OS and same hardware, I don't believe that is the case here. As I understand it, what is being presented is similar to a desktop environment with multiple login usernames/accounts with different settings and configurations on the same OS/Firmware. A huge difference.

The article cited in 2nd link above doesn't use the term "Virtual Machine", but instead uses the term "Virtual Profiles" as cited below. In my opinion, that seems to be the correct and more appropriate term.

Quoting:Add to the picture Octopus, a drop-box like service for data management/sharing, Horizon mobile (new name for MVP, the mobile hypervisor enabling to run personal and business image on the same device) and virtual profiles for persona management. You suddenly have an incarnation of a next-gen user-centric and portable end-user environment.

Ken, stop being stubborn, your are doing it to yourself.


Jan 05, 2012
12:17 PM EDT
Quoting:IMHO, you're a troll, posing as a tech guru.
Quoting:@ComputerBob - I actually am a tech person. Not a guru because that's a silly, outdated term.

You're absolutely right -- I stand corrected.

From now on, I will think of you as a troll, posing as a tech person.

Jan 05, 2012
5:06 PM EDT
"Guru" is not out-dated.

Especially when bestowed to me by a man from India, living in Silicon Valley, who knows what the term means on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.

Jan 05, 2012
6:06 PM EDT
@Ken Hess

Quoting:@tracyanne - not writing click bait. It's a good article on my own ZDNet blog

::Raises left eyebrow in imitation of Spock::

Oh so you've changed since the last time I bothered reading your click bait... also on ZDNet.

Jan 05, 2012
6:15 PM EDT
> The article cited in 2nd link above doesn't use the term "Virtual Machine", but instead uses the term "Virtual Profiles" as cited below. In my opinion, that seems to be the correct and more appropriate term.

Sounds like it, yes.

Jan 06, 2012
4:12 PM EDT
Most large enterprises I've worked at don't allow "foreign" devices because they can't control security on them. In other words, employees, contractors and consultants are expressly forbidden from bringing their own devices. That is standard security practice. Once again, Ken Hess has written an interesting little article which is largely divorced from reality.

Jan 06, 2012
5:13 PM EDT
Good comment caitlyn but the wrong thread. It might be more appropriate here

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