I'll be darned.

Story: The REAL secret behind Microsoft iPad AppsTotal Replies: 15
Author Content

Dec 15, 2011
10:37 PM EDT
For the heckuvit, I went back and read both Kendrick and Hess pieces.

Big Doh! moment.

Here's why:


Kendrick says Microsoft is just worried that people will discover alternatives to Office, and --- Duh! --- that's what happens when you don't have a product on the platforms people are using.

Ken Hess says Microsoft is in business to sell software and that's why they are putting out iPad apps.

Yes. There ain't no room between those positions because --- it's really just two different ways of stating the same position.

(Sound of painful repeated head slapping)


Dec 17, 2011
10:17 PM EDT
No, you were right the first time. We're saying different things. I'm saying it's business as usual. He's saying they're fighting for air.

Dec 17, 2011
10:32 PM EDT

When is ZDNet going to acknowledge the Download.com story?


Dec 20, 2011
10:53 AM EDT
Thanks for the explanation, Ken. As usual, you get it wrong. This isn't "business as usual". While Microsoft may not be grasping for air, they are having to adjust their business model to one where they don't control the platform anymore. They are having to learn how to succeed in a world where they don't have a monopoly or near-monopoly share of the market for once. For Microsoft, that is anything but business as usual.

Oh, and BernardSwiss asks a fair question. Are we going to see an answer? I'm not holding my breath for one.

Dec 20, 2011
11:01 AM EDT

'Re-learn' might be a better choice than 'learn'. I remember MS as that small company by the UNM stadium in Albuquerque that wrote compilers for CP/M OS microcomputers.

They made their name writing software for platforms they did not control, they just have to get back to their scrappy, upstart, competitive roots. I wonder if they have what it takes?

Dec 20, 2011
11:04 AM EDT
I don't have anything to do with what ZDNet acknowledges or doesn't.

@Caitlyn - as usual you don't understand business or the English language.

Dec 20, 2011
11:11 AM EDT
I don't understand business? Really? My customers would disagree and, considering that my business is growing, I'd say you have no evidence to back up such a ludicrous claim. What part of English don't I understand, Ken? Stop hurling insults and show me where I'm wrong. You can't, of course, so you go into attack mode. If you want me to believe that what you write isn't drivel then support it with reasoned arguments.

Oh, wait a minute, the whole article is an attack on another writer. For you, the attack and the resulting controversy seem to be the whole point. It keeps the page hits up, right? Facts? Who needs facts when you can stir the pot?

Dec 20, 2011
12:49 PM EDT
I'm not the first to hurl insults.

Dec 20, 2011
1:21 PM EDT
> I'm not the first to hurl insults.

Agreed. But if you had your way, I'm sure you'd be the last.

Dec 20, 2011
1:44 PM EDT
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Happy holidays everyone! can we lighten up?

Dec 20, 2011
2:44 PM EDT
[editor: comment removed due to violation of the LXer TOS paragraph 6:

"6. Do not place any material on our service that could be considered offensive, indecent, abusive, hateful, harassing, libelous, profane, vulgar or unlawful. Our audience tends to be professional in nature, and we have the right, but not the obligation, to remove, edit, or relocate any content that we feel violates the standards of our site."]

Dec 20, 2011
3:05 PM EDT
Quoting:[editor: comment removed due to violation of the LXer TOS paragraph 6]

Hay Grinch, why don't you take a break til next year.

I don't know if you enjoy calling people names or what, but you are getting too annoying this time of the year.



Dec 20, 2011
3:18 PM EDT
Hess and Caitlyn are both right to a degree.

Hess's point about MS Office for Mac is valid - MS has probably sold millions of copies over time to that platform - in that way, MS simply follows the market trend and sells to whoever the potential customers are, without regard to platform.

However, Caitlyn's point about MS having to "adjust their business model to one where they don't control the platform anymore" is valid when you look at several other lines of MS business. Especially in the area of video games, where MS could make a fortune selling some of their top games for other platforms such as the PS3 or the Wii, many of the best MS video games are only released for the MS-controlled XBox platform.

Probably a better description of MS is that the company is so large, and is involved in so many different product areas, that business decisions cannot always exclusively be geared to promote their own platforms. And to Hess's point - although it is business as usual for some MS units to write some software for other platforms, Kendrick's assertion that MS is "fighting for air" could well apply to specific business units within the company.

Dec 20, 2011
3:59 PM EDT
I hope my Grinch cartoon didn't offend, I just thought we needed a laugh here.

My apologies if my ascii art ruffled feathers.


Dec 20, 2011
4:05 PM EDT
[editor: comment removed for TOS violation. User has lost LXer membership privileges.]

Dec 20, 2011
5:08 PM EDT
Quoting:[editor: comment removed for TOS violation.

I wasn't defending Ken Hess and NO, I don't approve of anyone calling people names including YOU. I just thought your comment was extremely offensive and there was no reason for it.

[editor: comment removed for TOS violation.


Dec 20, 2011
5:18 PM EDT
I think I hear Scott warming up his steel-toed butt-kickers.

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