Changing the VLC engine license to LGPL

Story: FLOSS: Accept no substitutesTotal Replies: 0
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Dec 10, 2011
10:20 AM EDT
Quoting:VLC is a project of the VideoLAN non-profit organization, which supports the development of multiple libre and open source multimedia projects. In contrast to some other open source projects, VideoLAN does not require copyright assignment to the organization; instead the authors keep their copyright.

This change of license was an initiative started by some of VLC's main developers and will be a change from the current license (GPLv2 or later) to the LGPLv2.1 or later license. This change was motivated to match the evolution of the video industry and to spread the VLC engine as a multi-platform open-source multimedia engine and library. The VideoLAN non-profit organisation and the École Centrale Paris approve this initiative.

Quoting:Help us find the remaining missing contributors. If you have resources that can help us, please share these too.

What happens if you can't find all the right contributors? Then, we will not change the license.

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