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Story: Is CouchDB in Trouble? Total Replies: 2
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Nov 25, 2011
8:24 PM EDT
is Ubuntu in trouble?

Honestly, who cares if Ubuntu dumps a software program? Ubuntu is officially irrelevant thanks to their adoption of their dumbed-down Unity interface. No serious Linux user would bother with it any more. So any further choices that Ubuntu makes are totally irrelevant.

Nov 25, 2011
9:39 PM EDT
i don't think it's quite the same. ubuntu-one is replacing couchdb and stopping desktopcouch development.

couchdb is still there, and ubuntu packages will be able to use it. this is not like unity which replaces the gnome interface without giving users an option to use the normal gnome. it is also not replacing something for the end user who does not understand the difference (and hence isn't aware of the options) and thus simply forced to adapt.

nor is it replacing the couchdb package on ubuntu which will still be available to developers as before. the change only affects developers targeting the ubuntu-one services and those using desktopcouch, which is not all users/developers of couchdb on ubuntu.

greetings, eMBee.

Nov 25, 2011
10:27 PM EDT
I don't use couchDb, and try to get rid of it from my computer.

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