
Story: KDE Plasma 4.8 Boosts Speed, Power ManagementTotal Replies: 4
Author Content

Nov 10, 2011
10:01 PM EDT
Finally, some good news in the area of desktop environments.

Nov 11, 2011
4:07 PM EDT
kde 4.7 was good enough for me to switch back to the kde camp - now I have something more to look forward to with 4.8. Hopefully the kde guys can start making up for lost time and win back some of the user base who deserted them when the pre-alpha 4.0 was released.

Nov 11, 2011
4:52 PM EDT
Quoting:Hopefully the kde guys can start making up for lost time and win back some of the user base who deserted them when the pre-alpha 4.0 was released.

Here we go again, with comments that border on revisionism. An awful lot of people waited until well after the pre-alpha 4.0 release before they finally gave up on KDE. I, for one, didn't leave until 4.4 -- and I can't think of any KDE improvements that would be more important than the reasons why I left.

Nov 11, 2011
6:29 PM EDT
CB you have far more patience than me. I jumped ship after trying to work with kde 4.0 - I was not about to suffer with kde over a period of years while they worked out the bugs.

I had a job, which though computer-related, didn't involve fooling around with development DEs. I switched from suse/kde to ubuntu/gnome which allowed me to get on with it painlessly.

I tried kde every 6 months or so out of curiosity and never found it acceptable. However I do find 4.7 acceptable, in fact I like it better than unity or gnome 3, or xcfe. So here we are.

Nov 11, 2011
10:41 PM EDT
Quoting:I was not about to suffer with kde over a period of years while they worked out the bugs.

Nor I. I needed a working desktop Now (then) not several years later. My schedule for deciding if I move to KDE is still when Isadora reaches EOL.

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