As long as there is choice...

Story: The Little Desktop That CouldTotal Replies: 1
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Oct 20, 2011
11:56 AM EDT
As long as there is choice, does it matter what direction the *desktop* takes...??? I stick with Ubuntu, although I have tried many distros. When Unity came around in 11.04, I blanched - I fought it and swore I would not even try it. Funny - I did try Unity and liked it. Then 11.10 comes along, I hated Unity - it seemed quirky, although it was supposed to be *improved* - I tried Gnome Shell instead and guess what? I like it. As long as we have choices, that's what matters. I run Linux on all my workstations for my business, with varying desktops, even LXDE on one of them.

If choice disappears, THEN we have a serious problem in our community, since Linux IS all about CHOICE. We need to keep that alive at all costs, offering something for everyone, even those of us who are crazy enough to like Unity and Gnome Shell... :-D

Oct 20, 2011
6:26 PM EDT

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