someone should stop this guy

Story: There is Free Software and then there is Free SoftwareTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Oct 16, 2011
2:13 AM EDT
of using computers/software

Oct 16, 2011
3:34 AM EDT
@ padrian, for what reason?

Oct 16, 2011
1:47 PM EDT
What he said in the article seems perfectly resonable to me, a perfectly valid opinion although just not mine.

I make software myself although its not open source the Linux versions are free as in beer. The reason my software isn't open allows me to monetize it on the Windows platform, I freely admit this and I don't have a problem with it either I have a family to feed. My software has free open source competitors which means i have to ensure that my software is able to compete on ease of use and features. I am certainly not keeping my software closed to prevent choice as I said I have free and open competitors therefore plenty of choice is available and I most certainly don't practice lock-in which I despise.

I don't believe all software has to be open but i do believe in open standards and protocols to promote inter-connectivity between apps and platforms.

Once I no longer make money from my products I intend to release them under the GPL to prevent abandonment issues. Something that I am currently in the process of doing for one of my less successful apps which has had limited success on the Linux platform but bombed on the Windows platform for some reason I can't fathom as I aimed it at Windows users in the first place. So i've decided to cease full time development on it, open it up and move it to the back burner.

As i've said before in other threads I believe that open and closed philosophies can co-exist its not the philosophies that are the problem but the humans that practice each of them to the extremes.

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