I see just two...

Story: Here's a couple of scripts for saving Youtube Flash Videos to your hard driveTotal Replies: 5
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Sep 06, 2011
10:11 AM EDT
I see just two...

Sep 06, 2011
10:27 AM EDT
# Will ieterate through all open copies flashplayer and copy flash video to the
# current folder (or specified directory) with the .flv extension added.
#     flashcopy .  (copy to current directory)
#     flashcopy ~/Videos  (copying to a specified directory)
# This is done by finding all running copies of the flash player and looking at
# what files are opened by the process. If the file is a /tmp/Flash file 
# it is copied


args=`echo $args | sed 's/[/]$//'`

pids=`eval pgrep -f flashplayer` for pid in $pids do lsoutput=$(lsof -p $pid | grep '/tmp/Flash[^ ]*')

IFS=$'n' for line in $lsoutput; do lsout1=`echo $line | awk '{print "/proc/" $2 "/fd/" $4}' | sed 's/[rwu]$//'` lsout2=`echo $line | awk '{print $9}' | awk -F '/' '{print $3}'`

if [ -n "$args" ];then if [ -d $args ]; then echo "Copying $lsout2 to $args/" eval "cp $lsout1 $args/$lsout2.flv" else echo "The directory "$args" doesn't exist" break fi else echo "Copying $lsout2" eval "cp $lsout1 $lsout2.flv" fi done


Sep 06, 2011
5:46 PM EDT
Nice. My preferred method of grabbing vids from youtube is to use Jdownloader. Copy url into it, pick which format(s) you want the vid in (vids often have a number of different formats available), let it rip.

Sep 06, 2011
5:54 PM EDT
@ElderGeek, believe it or not, after all these years, that was my first "serious" Bash script. I originally wrote an application in C# Mono that does the job, but wanted to see if I could do it as a bash script.

Sep 06, 2011
5:56 PM EDT
hehe. Oddly enough I don't think I've ever done a serious bash script...for anything more complex than simply a string of commands to run I usually go perl.

Sep 06, 2011
8:05 PM EDT
you might want to also check for mp4 files, as many websites' flashplayers use mp4s instead of flvs these days.

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