It'll be even worse

Story: Apple's Jobsless FutureTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Aug 25, 2011
12:18 PM EDT
Yep, Jobs is a jerk for the anticompetitive things he's done at Apple's helm. However, when he finally retires (I hear his health isn't so great), don't expect any improvements. Like him or hate him, Jobs doesn't operate on pure greed, he has a vision of how he wants things to be, and wants to bring us that vision in the form of his iDevices.

Whoever replaces him is probably going to be just another soulless corporate CEO who does operate on pure greed, like most other CEOs, and has no vision, but just does whatever he can to make the most money possible, whether that means helping the company improve its financials so he gets a bigger bonus, or whether it means gutting the company and making bad, shortsighted moves so he can convince the board to give him a big bonus before he jumps ship, as so many CEOs do. Either way, it won't result in a FOSS-friendly company by any means.

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