Zentyal terrible name, great idea

Story: Zentyal The Small Business Server with LinuxTotal Replies: 12
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Aug 19, 2011
2:40 PM EDT
Anything that makes small/home-office servers easier to manage is more than OK by me. But why the terrible name, Zentyal? Sounds like a pill for cholesterol.

Aug 19, 2011
3:33 PM EDT
The word Zentyal was chosen as the new name of eBox Platform because it closely resembles the main goal of the project: to make something as essential as network management easy and secure. Zentyal is fusion of two words, where “Zen” represents qualities such as intuition, insight and balance – the easiness of carrying out tasks via intuition – and “Essential” represents qualities such as basic, fundamental and necessary.


Aug 19, 2011
4:06 PM EDT
Steven -- While it's true that FOSS names can tend to be, um, unique, I was told by the Zentyal folks that it's pronounced to rhyme with "essential." Also, I've had a chance to test it in a small-business environment and it works pretty well.

Aug 19, 2011
4:17 PM EDT
I wonder what happened to the oneders.

Aug 19, 2011
4:21 PM EDT
Techiem2 also did some work with Zentyal recently and seemed to like it. Smallboxadmin also gives it good reviews: http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/31974/

Aug 19, 2011
4:42 PM EDT
Quoting:I wonder what happened to the oneders.
If I know them, they're doing that thing they do.

Aug 20, 2011
8:20 AM EDT
Quoting:...and “Essential” represents qualities such as basic, fundamental and necessary.
So then shouldn't it be "Zential?"

Looks to me like just another example of a FOSS project shooting itself in the foot with "cleverness through obfuscation."

I never thought I'd say this, but I think most FOSS developers need some good marketing people.

Aug 20, 2011
2:39 PM EDT
> I never thought I'd say this, but I think most FOSS developers need some good marketing people.

Of course. Marketing isn't some evil thing that only people who have sold their souls to darkness can perform well. And it's, ahem, essential for any well run business. But it's a job in and of itself, outside the technical details of a software project. And most people who are good at technical things aren't as good at people oriented things, which marketing most definitely is.

Aug 20, 2011
4:45 PM EDT
Quoting:...Marketing isn't some evil thing that only people who have sold their souls to darkness can perform well...
Wow, how did you know that's what I was thinking?

Aug 20, 2011
6:00 PM EDT
> ...how did you know that's what I was thinking?

Great minds think alike? :)

Aug 22, 2011
12:30 AM EDT
Looks to me like just another example of a FOSS project shooting itself in the foot with "cleverness through obfuscation."

Which wouldn't be so bad if they were not doing it in daisy chain....sheesh, the goofiness never ends.

"essential" isn't even close to represented in the name aside from the people that named it. Wait, I hava a great name for it.

How about Guayadeque?

No wait....

Aug 22, 2011
11:10 AM EDT
Of course there's always the problem that if one chooses a "logical" name for a project, some sphincter will come along with a cease and desist because they already use the name.

Aug 22, 2011
2:01 PM EDT
Yeah, it's doing pretty well for me so far. I'm not using it "pure" of course. The home directory is an iscsi mount on the fileserver. I found some instructions in the forum for tweaking the login scripts, so I'm having them do the drive mappings I want and do the my documents redirection for XP.

I have the web filtering base configured, but have been in to test it yet. If that works I can set it up fully and let the office person manage the exceptions and such for the various groups. I haven't tested the mail and voip and jabber features yet, but I don't know if they'd find those useful anyway. I got the VPN working the other day too, so I can teach the office person how to give out access to that (and will need to write some batch files I think to hand out as well for drive mapping - I don't think they'd remember to map \ lol).

Anything they can manage without me makes my life easier. :) I'm busy enough trying to get the lab load working on a variety of different machines (Windows is such a PAIN to get working on multiple hardware bases....) so we are prepared to use all of what we have.

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