Personal data liberation is right

Story: Google+: Extract your contacts from Facebook using Open-Xchange Total Replies: 21
Author Content

Jul 08, 2011
5:29 PM EDT
from a friend:

Oh well. Google+ was nice while it lasted. Their lawyers haven't learned from Facebook fiasco.

“By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services.”“You agree that this license includes a right for Google to make such Content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom Google has relationships for the provision of syndicated services, and to use such Content in connection with the provision of those services.”“You understand that Google, in performing the required technical steps to provide the Services to our users, may (a) transmit or distribute your Content over various public networks and in various media; and (b) make such changes to your Content as are necessary to conform and adapt that Content to the technical requirements of connecting networks, devices, services or media. You agree that this license shall permit Google to take these actions.”

Jul 08, 2011
9:29 PM EDT
OK...not so worried about not getting my invite now.....


Jul 08, 2011
9:40 PM EDT
That is why I don't use FaceBook and will not use Goolge+ either.

I will wait until KDE Social Networking and Online Collaboration features that will allow me to create my own server for me [fixed] and friends.


Jul 09, 2011
12:16 AM EDT
You can create your own friends?

Jul 09, 2011
12:34 AM EDT
Quoting: [He ...] can create [his ...] own friends?

Certainly, otherwise he would be even more lonely ... what else is there to do in the Upper Peninsular? [Well, to be fair, in the Winter the skiing is good.]



Jul 09, 2011
2:47 AM EDT
Been talking with someone else who doesn't think this eula is such a big deal. Doesn't give a license for your work (photos in this case) away to google.. just allows them to publish in accordance with their "syndicated services". So if someone posted a photo for public viewing, it allows google to show that photo without worry of being sued if some algorithm or process touches the photo while being stored/published that the photographer doesn't like. I would like to learn more about this - whether a valid concern or not.

Jul 09, 2011
10:30 AM EDT
Quoting:You can create your own friends?

You had to give txt material to make fun of our beautiful UP and gorgeous lake Superior?

Fixed. Are you happy now nitpicker?!! :)


Jul 09, 2011
10:55 AM EDT
Quoting: You can create your own friends?

I dunno, a tiger can make a great friend. Just be careful when you come home from school.

Jul 09, 2011
1:06 PM EDT

But have you ever tried to swim in Lake Superior? To do so is a prescription for total body frost bite in mid-Summer. Huron at least is bearable.


Jul 09, 2011
3:46 PM EDT

Especially if your mother didn't feed him....

Jul 09, 2011
4:06 PM EDT
Quoting:But have you ever tried to swim in Lake Superior?

I just dipped my feet in and didn't go any further. My daughter goes to Northern Mich. at Marquette and she goes rock jumping on week ends in the summer. I have been to Alpena and Huron water is kind of warmer.

I am more of a warm salt water(Virginia, Florida) animal not so much fresh water.


Jul 09, 2011
9:21 PM EDT

The coldest swim experience I ever had was in Florida, but let me set the scene first:

It was mid-Winter well South on the Florida peninsular on the Gulf of Mexico side. The pool for some reason was shaded during the day, but right around the new year's day there was plenty of sun and the air temperatures were definitely moderate to warm for this Northern exile.

It was night and the sessions had ended. I was in the mood for a quick swim, so I dove in and my memory was it being akin to an ice bath. I thought I could feel the ice cubes slipping by my body as I did a sprint for the pool's edge. Flying from the water I was dripping wet, standing in a heavy wind. The evaporative effect should have chilled me further. However, I felt considerably warmer outside the pool than in its waters. It's an experience I have never duplicated.

Yes I like salt water swimming, but early on that experience was ruined for me. I was swimming out to check out some fins I had seen at the water's surface well out. I wanted to see if dolphins were as friendly as their reputation, when my buddy who was trying to have me go back towards shore raised the possibility that another less friendly denizen of the deep might be waiting. That ended that ...


Jul 10, 2011
6:32 AM EDT
Right, MBT. Sharks may not eat lawyers as a professional courtesy, but they don't extend the same to marketing types.

Jul 10, 2011
8:15 AM EDT
But, but ... My Dear Agust Gus III,

At that time I was not a yet a shill. I was a stalwart, honest and filled with integrity before I became corrupted by the lure of cash*. So why would those nasty, scaleless predators hunger for my flesh of my then thin, bony** form? I guess the splashing caused by the human swimming pattern too closely mimics sea food in trouble***. Otherwise it is senseless murder. In which case one must conclude the world [there is] absent an underlying order.

Troubling thoughts, like 95% profess belief in a superior being, despite the fact many of those in the forefront participate, condone or cover up perfidious acts that no rational being would do if they truly believed their words.


* That is, upon becoming a MS based OS applications programmer.

** Sharks have been observed to spit out human flesh upon discovery excess bone density, meaning they attacked in error, however, it is too late for the victim to survive.

*** Meaning it's shark's work to rid the world of the weak, which is their evolutionary role at least in the ocean environment.

[ ] edit, reversed word order

Jul 10, 2011
8:04 PM EDT

Couple things:

a) Next time, don't go into the water after partying. Water and spirits don't mix.

b) The shark was lucky it didn't get to you, No it is not the other way around.

I just came back after dropping off my daughter at the Mackinac Bridge, where she will join a friend to Marquette.

Mac Bridge Pics

Mac Island

Jul 10, 2011
10:57 PM EDT
Footsie, because of this:
Quoting: The shark was lucky it didn't get to you, No it is not the other way around.

I am no longer afraid to go into the water.

Thank you,



Jul 11, 2011
2:17 AM EDT
I love LXer.

Jul 11, 2011
6:01 AM EDT
Might still need a bigger boat though.

Speaking of boats - saw Paul Allen's "yacht" in the harbor here a few years ago. What a gratuitous display of excess that is. Anyhoo... *rerails thread*

Jul 11, 2011
7:38 AM EDT
Hey Jogger,

His excesses are limited, however, because without the help of the citizens of Seattle he could not afforded the stadium to houses his team. If they did not chip in he probably could not even afforded the dingy pulled behind. Shed a tear for him, because he is entitled to pursue his dreams. Spoil sport.



Jul 11, 2011
5:18 PM EDT
(back semi-on topic) Oddly enough I just got an invite from a friend. Enabled it...dunno what to do with it...(never been an FB user or anything similar) I suspect that, like Wave, I'll dabble with it a little and then ignore it. Especially after reading that bit at the top of this post...I won't be posting anything "interesting".

Like fettoosh, I'm really waiting for something completely foss that can be self-hosted federated.

Jul 11, 2011
6:24 PM EDT
My daughter recently was invited to Google+ and she in turn invited me today. I have a Gmail account but I haven't joined Google+ yet. I might participate only to test it out and may be to extend invitations to others. Send me a Lxer e-mail if interested and if I don't do it, my daughter will. I am not sure if there is a limit on the invites.


Jul 11, 2011
7:04 PM EDT
Well if anyone wants to add me go right ahead. You just might want to let me know who you are so I don't ignore you. :P My name is the same as here...and everywhere

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