I lost interest when I read the license

Story: Wakanda the New FOSS Egg has just hatched-a new platform for Apps is BornTotal Replies: 20
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Jun 19, 2011
5:06 PM EDT
Read the license, you too can lose interest....

Jun 20, 2011
7:16 AM EDT
Yea, It is a tricky title. Trying to insinuate that is is FOSS but in actuality it is not at all.


Jun 20, 2011
2:09 PM EDT
Yep agreed. I left a comment to that effect.


Jun 20, 2011
4:43 PM EDT
Yeah, totally not FOSS :(

Jun 20, 2011
9:51 PM EDT
Yep, Just read the Evaluation License and its not even close to being FOSS, DHTBAL (Don't Have To Be A Lawyer) to see that its as closed as it gets.

Jun 21, 2011
12:48 AM EDT
Will even betcha that M$'s hand is in there somewhere, what with Wakanda's similar language of "deployment inter-operability across Mac, Windows is easy and seamless."

My question is -- since this Wakanda pitch SPECIFICALLY writes that it is "the Free Open Source Software platform" -- whether or not some _real_ FOSS advocate can get this 4D company in some serious trouble for its misleading statements?? (quick quick 4D, take the "FOSS" statements off the Wakanda-pitch webpage or get your M$-allied lawyer to fight those FOSS-people back and let the misleading language stay!!)


Jun 23, 2011
5:01 AM EDT
Hi all

As we stated in http://www.wakanda.org/licensing, we are committed to provide a FOSS license and source repository for Wakanda as soon as we are ready to do so.

During the current Developer Preview phase, Wakanda is provided with an evaluation license and is free for all to use.

Jun 23, 2011
12:37 PM EDT
@wakanda: "is free for all to use. "

You are not serious surely?

The F in FOSS has nothing (or little) to do with zero cost but freedom to do with the software whatever you wish and to pass that freedom onto others.

In what way has the following extract got anything to do with that concept? This evaluation license is just a standard, off-the-shelf proprietary license that restricts the user in every way possible and I see no reason to suppose that the final license would be any different. If the software will be released under a FOSS license eventually, why use such an abhorrent one for the evaluation? You are hardly endearing yourself to your potential users.

I get that it is cool these days to use the FOSS term in marketing bull but really this is like "greenwashing" and an insult to the intelligence of the readers of this forum.


• use the Software for any production purposes, in particular for production purposes and more generally, in any situation subject to invoicing ;

• derive any profits from the Use of the Software;

• sublicense, sell, lease, rent, share the Use of the Software or otherwise transfer it, or permit any third party to use the Software for consulting services, time sharing, service bureau, outsourcing services, application service provider services, or application hosting provider services and more generally LICENSEE shall not grant any kind of rights regarding the Software or any portion thereof in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of 4D SAS; it being agreed that in any event LICENSEE shall be responsible for making such third parties aware of, and for their written agreement with terms and conditions at least as restrictive and protective of the Software as those stated in the Agreement. LICENSEE shall communicate to 4D SAS copies of the related agreements.

• transfer the Software to another computer platform or operating system;

• modify, translate, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, partially or completely, the Software, except as otherwise mentioned by the legal measures in force. Nevertheless, LICENSEE shall ask 4D SAS for the information which is necessary to achieve the interoperability of the Software with another program and this, before any decompilation;

• remove or alter any Software identification, proprietary notice, labels or trademarks which appear on or in the Software, except as otherwise expressly allowed by 4D SAS;

• disclose the results of any benchmark or other test of the Software, without the prior written consent of 4D SAS;

• use the backup copy for any purpose other than to replace the original copy in the event it is destroyed or becomes defective;


Jun 23, 2011
1:46 PM EDT
The way I read it, they are saying that they will be distributing it under a FOSS license, but for the time being it's available under this evaluation license. Everyone who doesn't believe that can just wait and see if the FOSS license appears.

Jun 23, 2011
2:21 PM EDT

I also believe that is what @wakanda means as well and it should of been clearly stated in the article, and they should not of used FOSS in the article title until it was truly released as FOSS.

As the article stands it is very clearly misleading (im being generous here) , if I weren't a very generous soul it could easily be considered an outright lie.

Jun 23, 2011
2:25 PM EDT
Quoting: [...] they are saying that they will be distributing it under a FOSS license, but [now] it's available under this evaluation license. Everyone who doesn't believe that can just wait [... for the] FOSS license [...]

In the meantime, I suggest we stock up on ten foot poles when the time arrives to examine the license contents. This Wooly Wanka person seems highly confused.


Jun 23, 2011
2:51 PM EDT

All my poles are 60ft your shilling obviously doesn't pay as much as mine :)

Jun 23, 2011
3:24 PM EDT
Hey Coral,

This is not a mere case of pole length, since I have Conventional Wisdom on my side. Have you not heard of, "I would not touch that with a ten foot pole."? Case closed, I win.


P.S. You are right shilling has not been paying well recently. I have an application in with Canonical, however, and I got the reassuring message on my phone, "Don't call us, we will call you." It's been ten weeks now I wonder if I should check. What do you think?

Jun 23, 2011
3:27 PM EDT
Quoting:we are committed to provide a FOSS license and source repository for Wakanda as soon as we are ready to do so


That is great and novel, it is your code and have the full right to release it under whatever type of license you wish.

I just wonder what are you trying to protect now if it is going to be protected by a FOSS license when ready? Or is it just a matter of time to select the most appropriate license you think appropriate?


Jun 23, 2011
3:32 PM EDT

You should try Miguel's new company for mono and .NET development before you try Canonical.

Your MS honed shilling skills would be more acceptable at Xamarin.

Jun 23, 2011
3:50 PM EDT

In Scotland size is everything :)

I believe the origins are actually from "I would not touch that with a barge pole" which varied in length from 10 up to 40 or so feet.

But since i converted from the 40ft pole to metric first then applied the standard Nasa rounding error when going back to Imperial, I ended up closer to 60ft.

Case Closed, I win !!

Jun 23, 2011
3:56 PM EDT
> Everyone who doesn't believe that can just wait and see if the FOSS license appears.

Yep. Just like they've been waiting for Transgaming to release their "improvements" back to Wine.

Promises are worth the paper they're written on.

Jun 23, 2011
5:24 PM EDT

I am afraid the work environment is not suitable for my delicate nature and refined tastes. That is, one requirement is kissing a poster of someone's posterior upon entry. Given its odoriferous emanations and the gross hairiness I think I know to whom it belongs. It appears all too familiar from days of stealth marketing for that large outfit out West, hence, I will take a pass. I do have some standards, which I would jettison in an instant were they ever to pay me.


Mathematics is not your forte I see ... and to blame NASA for your gross approximations. Shame, shame - go hide under a bushel for such blatant miscarriage of approximative computation. Have you not heard of rocket science? Just because they lost a few calculating in English and flying metric is NO excuse. You cannot attach your argument to these rather minor mistakes. There cost each was probably less than a mere billion or so, however, due to the quick ending when they crashed into Mars it can be seen as an economizing move. No maintenance necessary or data to record and analyze.


Quoting:Promises are worth the paper they're written on.

What paper? I didn't see any paper.

Jun 23, 2011
7:12 PM EDT

Toilet paper.

Jun 23, 2011
7:30 PM EDT

> What paper? I didn't see any paper.


Jun 26, 2011
9:11 AM EDT
@Wakanda It's terribly simple. In a nutshell: no source, no derivates, no FOSS.

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