So stop using Windows

Story: Control is Highly Overrated and OverpricedTotal Replies: 7
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Jun 06, 2011
6:38 PM EDT
Quoting:So, what he and so many companies are saying is, “Yes, we realize that maintaining legacy desktops is very expensive but we prefer to keep control by paying more for support, dealing with security problems, removing malware and viruses and maintaining various operating environment.

Quoting:It seems to me that if someone wants to gain control of desktops, that he would actually embrace virtualized desktops (VDI) because of the higher level of control. Yes, there’s far more control in VDI than in trying to maintain dozens, hundreds or thousands of renegade desktops and laptops running around gathering malware, viruses and pirated software.

Jun 07, 2011
1:40 AM EDT
@tracyanne, All that makes absolute sense!! Problem is, M$ introduces a virtual army of M$ Sales reps and managers into the equation throwing all FUD arguments and "special" deals to try to wear down your resistance to maintaining Windows seat licenses. Then M$ gets deeply in the minds of upper financial-mgmt and CEOs and whatever sense you made before to management to just stop the WinDoze-creep, gets thrown right out the window (oh no, someone else made a similar pun today).

It's a constant battle to avoid Windoze. Even in a predominantly Linux and Mac shop, it seems there ALWAYS have to be at least a few desktop and laptop PCs locked down with this as single-boot, non-virtualized XP/Vista/7/whatever.

Anyway, that's just my and some others' thoughts.

Jun 07, 2011
2:08 AM EDT
If the OS doesn't matter then the World Wide Botnet is a fiction? Seriously. Stop using Windows. It is that simple. All this cloud crud is just the latest hype for the latest technology that customers don't want and vendors are desperate to sell.

Jun 07, 2011
9:06 AM EDT
> All this cloud crud is just the latest hype for the latest technology that customers don't want and vendors are desperate to sell.

In that regard, yesterday's xkcd is priceless:

Jun 07, 2011
10:54 AM EDT
XKCD rocks :)

Jun 07, 2011
11:55 AM EDT
I read one, then couldn't help clicking on more & more... Jdixon, you are EVIL for posting a link to that addictive cartoon!!!

Jun 07, 2011
12:07 PM EDT
> Jdixon, you are EVIL for posting a link to that addictive cartoon!!!

My work here is done. :)

Jun 08, 2011
5:17 AM EDT
JaseP: Once I discovered those, I lost a "day of productivity" as well, ahem.

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