1/ I must remember not to click

Story: Where in the World Is the Linux Desktop Thriving? Total Replies: 6
Author Content

May 27, 2011
1:21 AM EDT
on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider

2/ I must remember not to click on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider

3/ I must remember not to click on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider

4/ I must remember not to click on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider

5/ I must remember not to click on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider

6/ I must remember not to click on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider





100/ I must remember not to click on articles by Catherine Noyes, or from Linux Insider


May 27, 2011
1:40 AM EDT
Please do the above again, every day of next month. Otherwise you will forget it.....................again.

May 27, 2011
2:21 AM EDT
That reminds me:

Is there, somewhere, an actual Broken Windows Lounge (presumably a forum or IRC channel, somewhere), or is that just a murkily obscure literary device?


May 27, 2011
8:41 PM EDT
And, of course, there's always this Slashdot blogger who gives us a dose of reality; (his, that is.)

Quoting:Slashdot blogger and Windows fan hairyfeet took a different view.

"It is dictatorships and thugs and places with no or crappy Internet" where Linux does well on the desktop, hairyfeet asserted.

Control is the reason, he added: "FOSS lets them hook spying software into the deepest levels of the OS, and the peasants don't have the education or knowledge to remove it. Kinda hard for dissident groups to organize when everything they write can be shipped back to dear leader by their FOSS OS."

Ya just can't make this stuff up. I think maybe he is confusing Linux with Windows.


May 28, 2011
3:21 AM EDT
@BernardSwiss I'm the one that gave the quote there, no there is no "broken windows lounge" perhaps we should start one? :P


May 28, 2011
4:32 AM EDT
I suspected as much, having never succeeded in finding my way to this aforementioned Broken Windows Lounge, even though she refers to the place quite regularly.

May 28, 2011
8:00 AM EDT
You gotta admit, it's clever, the way she's turned the comments streams on other people's sites into a gossip columnist gig. It's another proof that Linux is all grown up now -- it's got its own Rita Skeeter!

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