questionable choices

Story: The Perfect Desktop - Kubuntu 11.04Total Replies: 1
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May 15, 2011
11:29 PM EDT
I like the new Kubuntu 11.04 too, but I question some of the author's choices, and even his sanity.

In Part 1, he has a huge list of software he requires to replace his Windows desktop. Some of these make sense, but a lot are simply redundant: for web browsers, he has Firefox, Opera, and Chromium. For BitTorrent, he has KTorrent and Vuze. For audio players, he has Amarok, Banshee, RythmBox, gtkPod, and XMMS. For web browsers, I can understand why you might want a backup browser in case a site is giving you trouble with your main browser. But why on earth would you want two BT clients, 4 or 5 different audio players, or two web development programs? If the goal were to give users the choice of all the programs available to do a particular function, this list would make sense, but the goal here is stated as simply replacing the Windows desktop. For that, you don't need to provide every choice under the sun; instead, you just need to provide a good work-alike. The default Kubuntu install does that, for the most part. You don't need extra CD-ripping software; K3B already does that. You don't need extra video players; it already includes Dragon. I would recommend Firefox however over Rekonq.

Now, where I question his very sanity: one program he wants is Adobe Reader, which is a bloated POS. Maybe he just needs it to fill out tax forms. But the one thing that totally defies all logic: RealPlayer. Who on earth still uses that?!?!? Even worse, it only works on 32-bit systems! So if you have anything made in the last few years, forget it. But I still can't fathom why anyone would want RP to begin with. You can already play .rm files with MPlayer and others, in case you might run across that vile format. I download video all the time and I haven't seen one of those in ages.

May 16, 2011
1:55 AM EDT
While I appreciate How to Forge as a web site, what they do isn't for me.

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