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Story: The GNOME Desktop Project Unleashes GNOME 3.0Total Replies: 2
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Apr 07, 2011
5:41 PM EDT
"In the face of constant change, both in software technology itself and in people's attitudes toward it, long-term software projects need to reinvent themselves in order to stay relevant. I'm encouraged to see the GNOME community taking up this challenge, responding to the evolving needs of users and questioning the status quo." Matt Zimmerman, Ubuntu CTO @ Canonical

I'm not quite sure how gnome was not relevant in the first place. But, if they intend to go the way of the pad & phone then I suppose it's worth making the effort to make gnome fit into as many computers as possible regardless of processor, manufacturer, religion or creed.. :)

Hopefully gnome4 creates a big stir so gnome stays relevant!

Apr 07, 2011
6:03 PM EDT
I just booted the GNOME 3 demo image, downloaded from the GNOME downloads page, on my Virtual machine and was very pleasantly surprised to see the standard GNOME desktop I'm familiar with.

I realised of course that this is because GNOME Shell won't work on the VM. But it was nice to be assured that the Classic nome desktop is still available for my rig, and that I won't have to move to XFce.

Apr 07, 2011
6:34 PM EDT
On second thoughts, GNOME 3 Classic, at least as presented on the GNOME demo disk, appears to be totally impossible to personalise (even KDE4 is more personalisable, I hope the Linux Mint folks manage to fix this glaring bug.

GNOME 3 is touted as a distraction free desktop, I'm not sure how that is possible when I can't make the desktop work my way, as it is it's incredibly distracting.... and GNOME Developers, no I don't want to learn to do it your way. I stopped using KDE because I don't want to do it their way.

I have the most distraction free desktop you can have, there are no desktop icons (or plasmoids) to distract me, the panel with the menu and Window list, and system notifications, is hidden until I want it, I have 9 virtual desktops where I can place applications until I want to use them. Skype and Evolution are on one desktop, and I have sound turned off, and email notifications turned off, so nothing distracts me. When I want to I check to see if there are messages for me, or emails, I go to the appropriate desktop, otherwise I get no distractions from either of them.

I don't have RSS feeds or Social Butterfly IM notifications popping up or down or sideways, so no distractions there. When I'm doing Social Butterfly stuff, nothing else distracts me.

Changing virtual desktops is a 2 mouse click affair, 1 click to view all desktops another click to select the one I want. If I have lots of windows open on a desktop... more than 3, I can view the current desktop Window list with 1 mouse click, another to bring that window to the top.

If I want an application that is on another desktop or an instance of an application that's on another desktop, All I need do is mouse over the DockBarX applet and select the appropriate preview, and I taken to the appropriate desktop.

Compared to my desktop GNOME shell is full of distractions, and judging by the GNOME developers demo of GNOME 3 Classic, so too is GNOME 3.

I have the ultimate distraction free desktop, and GNOME Shell doesn't even come close.

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