This is a satire, for the real Qt website go to

Story: I am not making this up-- MSQtTotal Replies: 6
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Feb 15, 2011
9:16 AM EDT

Feb 15, 2011
9:30 AM EDT
Oh well, and here I wanted to rant and rave.

Feb 15, 2011
10:58 AM EDT
What I want to know is how someone got this up so fast.

PS: I think it needs more shtick, like the MS-Linux site. This one looks too real.


Feb 15, 2011
11:53 AM EDT
Isn't it great? A beautiful piece of work.

Feb 15, 2011
12:21 PM EDT
My goodness, that's BRILLIANT! I love the "getting started" tutorial where the import has a trademark symbol. I don't know if copy/paste will work, so go directly to the page here -> and look at the source code.

Love it!

Edit: On second thought, are you sure it's satire? It just goes on and on and on. The objects in their code are hyperlinks, which takes you to an API listing of that object. If that's satire, it must have been at least partially generated. There's just too much of it to have been written by hand.

Edit 2: Well, apparently the consensus is that it's satire. What gets me is how much content they were able to create. Wow. The pages are absolutely brilliant though. My hat is off to the author.

Feb 15, 2011
1:47 PM EDT
Just love how the include# have TM's in them as well, nice touch.

Feb 15, 2011
8:38 PM EDT
"apparently the consensus is that it's satire" My 'lafta' vote goes to... (drum roll) msqt, represented by Mr Riku Palomaki, of Finland. ( WELL DONE, BRAVO. Ahh! Enlightenment. ( website points to a finnish host running Linux/Apache2.2, created 12th Feb 2011.) So unless MS had had an epiphany of reason (just re-read my own words- LOL) or a visit from the angel of 'The Force of Good' (a la 'The Scrooge That Stole Christmas'), and had been drawn to the en'LIGHT'ened side, then perhaps Mr Palomaki can accept the award on their behalf.

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