It's hard to know what this outcome will be.....

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Jan 04, 2011
6:04 AM EDT
...But it will be fascinating. Putin has declared: "Make it so !" and the pundits are stating that it therefore will be so. Linux will be the operating system of the Russian government and civil service by 2015.

On one side is the fact that there will now be enormous "loss of face" if this declaration by Putin does not occur; on the other side are huge barriers to overcome with Microsoft "lock-in", piracy, unwillingness by sections of the Russian bureaucracy to implement Putin's decree (and these Microsoft moles undoubtedly exist, and they will do their best to sabotage this move to Linux)' and problems with software that has been designed to run on Windows and nothing else.

Crossover Office can help. I use it myself and it is great. For those pieces of software it supports, it works exceptionally well, but I do not see it as the "panacea" for Microsoft dependent software, unless Russia funds Crossover explicitly to solve the problems of critical Windows dependent software. Perhaps the answer is to port the Russian software over to Linux....after all, they have four years up their sleeves. Whatever, it becomes the old "watch this space", and I will do so with great interest and enthusiasm.

If nothing else, I hope this move by Putin succeeds. If it does Russia will lead the way into breaking the monopoly noose that Microsoft has placed around governments and business in the 21st century. Oh sure, I could be wrong and probably am........but I do hope so very much that I am right.

Jan 04, 2011
10:59 AM EDT
Hello Ridcully,

I hope you are right also, if this move succeeds I see it as a major breach in the Microsoft wall. I'm not saying CrossOver or Wine is the answer to every problem, but it might be the answer to some of the problems. And if the government was to purchase 5 or 10 thousand CX licences this would help Wine development by magnitudes.

Cheers, Tom

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