
Story: An inside look at being a women in open sourceTotal Replies: 3
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Dec 03, 2010
3:39 AM EDT
Ok, I found one REAL harassment incident at ApacheCon, which only morons would condone.

But the title suggests otherwise:

how widespread sexual harassment at open source conferences is sexist incidents in geek communities Free and open source software Women form a very small part of the FLOSS community. Estimates range from 1%-5% depending on the survey. Many people say they want to encourage more women in FLOSS, but don't know how to go about this.

Ok, we're going on the very same bandwagon again? "Few women" == "sexism"?

Dec 03, 2010
7:42 AM EDT
Do you ever get tired of being so predictable?

Dec 03, 2010
1:57 PM EDT
As long as tuxchick is (she's got a longer history in that respect than me): No. I'd like to call it.. reliable..!

Dec 03, 2010
6:28 PM EDT
She outed him on the web, nice touch... revenge is sweet.

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