
Story: Quick Look: Ubuntu Muslim Edition 10.10 (Sabily Al Quds)Total Replies: 34
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Nov 09, 2010
3:19 AM EDT
Is ubuntu the only Linux distro people can write about. Do they eat drink sleep and dream of ubuntu 24/7/52. now it's Sabily (Ubuntu Muslim Edition) Give it a break please enough is enough, Lxer is becoming a Ubuntu brainwashing site.

Nov 09, 2010
3:28 AM EDT
People say Linux needs more and better marketing. Look at Ubuntu's marketing and ask youself: can you do better? If you think so, then do it. If not, then shut up.

Nov 09, 2010
4:20 AM EDT
"Carling" and "Jezuch", I think you are both over-reacting. Carling, LXer reports news....if Ubuntu is in the news then that's what LXer reports. And quite honestly, I really DON'T care which distro is in the news as long as it is Linux and getting out to the world.....I have seen LXer cover Fedora, openSUSE, PCLinuxOS, Slackware, Mandriva, Debian and all the rest, so I think your statement is a bit extreme. Jezuch......be nice, your last sentence was un-necessary but you do have a point. Carling, why don't you write a report on your favourite distro and tell the masses how good it is ?

Nov 09, 2010
6:43 AM EDT
At the moment I'm pushing Mint, not on Lxer though, but instead on the social forums where the new users live and breath.

Nov 09, 2010
10:38 AM EDT
ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu

or is it

developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers

sorry couldn't resist

Nov 09, 2010
11:18 AM EDT
Just a current count of the 30 news items showing at time of my posting:

Total: 30 Google (Android, Chrome OS, Chrome or Chromium browser): 5 Ubuntu: 4 Other: 21

Doesn't seem highly unbalanced to me. Unless you want to pick on Google.

And the other day the items were dominated by Fedora.


Nov 09, 2010
11:19 AM EDT
The story contribution form is thataway.

Nov 09, 2010
12:34 PM EDT
By all means, write about your favorite operating system, whatever it may be. Gotta admit though, Ubuntu has a lot going on.

Nov 09, 2010
12:39 PM EDT
The thing is, you don't have to read all the stories that get posted. I only read a small percentage.

Nov 09, 2010
12:42 PM EDT
> Ubuntu has a lot going on

Given the stability of recent Fedora releases (still no problems on my home desktop after installing the beta, and others have reported similar experiences) and the cutting-edge nature of recent Ubuntu releases, we might have to view Ubuntu as the experimental distro.

Nov 09, 2010
1:54 PM EDT
> ...we might have to view Ubuntu as the experimental distro.

I've been thinking that myself. Strange to have Fedora being the "stable" distro of the group, isn't it?

Nov 09, 2010
2:01 PM EDT
I totally agree w carling that the high and mighty Ubuntu gets WAY too much focus. Decided favoritism regardless of this "write about your favorite operating system, whatever it may be" baloney. A strawman argument if I ever heard one, when even LXer editors know that many non-Ubuntu stories are ever-so-conveniently harder to discover than Ubuntu ones!

@cabreh Seems to me it's a perceptual thing as far as your "30 news items showing at time of my posting". All this stuff about Unity/Wayland, Canonical/Shuttleworth, and installing Ubuntu/Mint on that Toshiba notebook: ALL Ubuntu-related!! I also see that many (most?) of the Ubuntu-related posts are clustered around each other and auspiciously placed among non-Ubuntu-related posts. This is besides those longer and somewhat thread-irrelevant Fedora comments that are sure to follow.

As I wrote a while back, There just aren't nearly enough Ubuntu-related posts or comments here at LXer! /written with utter sarcasm/ 2c

Nov 09, 2010
4:28 PM EDT
As a current, constant user of Fedora 13, it's been stable to a point. However, Fedora 13 CHANGED KERNEL VERSIONS IN MID-RELEASE. A six-month release, mind you. That's not stability minded.

Everything was ultra-peachy with 2.6.33. But then they roll in 2.6.34, not as an alternative kernel but as a replacement, with no 2.6.33 patches forthcoming. And yes, it broke my ATI video with the open-source driver. I had to turn to fglrx, and I barely know how to make it work right. Now performance is adequate in the 2.6.34 kernel with which I installed the "hot fix" from ATI/AMD but abysmal in the newer 2.6.34 kernel. RPM Fusion has pretty much abandoned the Catalyst driver, which hasn't been in sync with the 2.6.34 kernel for quite some time. I would try to reinstall fglrx from ATI/AMD, but I'm wary of killing the video entirely.

Say what you will about Ubuntu, but I don't recall them jumping a kernel version in mid-release. I've tested Ubuntu 10.10 on this system, and Ubuntu's fglrx driver actually tracks the kernel and is updated with apt.

There is a discussion going on in the Fedora community about the update policy, which is extremely aggressive. It can be a good thing — applications tend to fix things in new releases and not backport them to the old builds, and you can often choose from a newer or older version of any given package. But with Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware, etc., I know that if the system works with a particular hardware setup, it'll continue to work through the term of the release.

I'm sticking with Fedora 13 for now and will look at F14 because I like the way they put together a system, but this policy on kernel updates really did me wrong.

The problem with video is due to kernel mode setting, and it's either a kernel problem or an Xorg problem; in other words, upstream from Fedora. But it's a problem nonetheless.


Nov 09, 2010
4:41 PM EDT
Picky, picky. You act as though the kernel is a major part of the OS. {Not a serious comment.}

Yes, Fedora is aggressive with updates. I was thinking more in terms of everything working and continuing to work vs the problems I have on Ubuntu, where it is 'buggy stable'. Nonetheless, compared to a lot of previous Fedora releases where you could have everything just sort of fall apart after a week (which happened to me), it's now rock solid. Ubuntu is trending more in the direction of new vs bug-free. I even recall reading on the Fedora forums discussions about why Fedora is sticking with Grub legacy when Ubuntu jumped long ago to Grub 2.

Nov 09, 2010
4:55 PM EDT
Yeah, I was surprised to install Fedora 14 and have old Grub when even Debian has moved to new Grub. Very un-Fedora-like. I'm happy they're going to wait on SystemD until it's had more field time.

Nov 09, 2010
6:21 PM EDT

We encourage you to submit non-Ubuntu related stories here: http://lxer.com/module/newswire/stories/stories

If they're about open standards, open source, free software and / or Linux, not too much about politics, I'm pretty sure they will make it to the front page.

Articles will make it to the frontpage even if editors don't agree, think the article is worthless, full of spelling errors or other perceived problems. We don't want to dictate what visitors should read, that's their own choice. We only look at the criteria.

Most Ubuntu-articles meet the criteria above, hence you will see lots of them on the front page. Again, we encourage any reader to post interesting articles meeting the criteria to LXer; it makes life of the editors (>95% our EiC Scott Ruecker) so much easier!

Nov 09, 2010
8:50 PM EDT
now I see that there were at least three separate LXer comments to that tracyanne post 'Problem installing/running Ubuntu/Mint on Toshiba notebook', when AT LEAST ONE of the commentators essentially neglects the supposedly user-responsive Ubuntu/Mint community forums OUTSIDE OF LXer. huh?? And those ever-increasing Ubuntu-related Unity/Wayland comments :/ Surrrre nobody's promoting Ubuntu, and a /wink wink/ ;) ;) at that. -fb

Nov 09, 2010
9:37 PM EDT
@fb, what I find interesting is that so many people elected to create a new thread rather than continue the first thread, which would have been, in this case, so much more useful.

Nov 09, 2010
11:52 PM EDT
I participate in another online forum with very strict moderation where posters are admonished not to derail threads, said threads are split off by moderators into new forums ... and I much prefer the way things are over here.

Nov 10, 2010
3:04 AM EDT
@carling; No LXer is not becoming a Ubuntu brainwashing site.

Believe it or not I reject many many Ubuntu related articles (then again I reject a lot of articles period) because as the person who willingly sifts through the din of articles that are submitted to us and all the articles that come in through our webcrawler as well as my own collection of RSS feeds even I get tired of hearing about Ubuntu.

Crazy I know, but true. Just because someone writes an article about Ubuntu it doesn't mean that it makes our newswire. That said, Ubuntu is the Juggernaut of Linux distros right now. I know that no one will believe me, but it will not stay that way forever and a day will come that another version will come of age and superseed Ubuntu even. Even more craziness, I know. But I can say with confidence that I have been doing this long enough to know that it will happen, eventually..


Nov 10, 2010
3:41 AM EDT
Hey Scott, then all those people who can't stand a popular Linux OS that isn't the one they are running can complain about a different brand than Ubuntu.

Being an Ubuntu user the number of articles about how to do things I haven't done yet are good for me. I must admit though that I can see the day approaching when I will have to switch to something else, even if it doesn't work as well for me. Unity is one reason. I have a sub-notebook on which I run Ubuntu 10.04 UNR because I like working with the programs full screen (I'm well over 50 and the 1280x800 12" screen isn't the best for my eyes). I tried 10.10 on it and got Unity. They can keep it.

I may feel the same way about Wayland. So, I keep trying other distributions and maybe some day one will fit my way of doing things better than Ubuntu.


Nov 10, 2010
4:48 PM EDT
Like it or not, Ubuntu is doing a very good job at fulfilling a number of needs — an easy first distro, easy multimedia, lots of people willing to help (and not just say RTFM), focus on the desktop and drivers, blingy.

I have one Ubuntu 10.04 laptop, another with Debian Lenny (with my "main" laptop running Fedora 13). While the installation of Debian isn't forbiddingly difficult, Ubuntu's is way more friendly/foolproof. Fedora is doing a better and better job of marketing itself, but it's still nowhere near as newbie-friendly and -focused as Ubuntu.

As a writer/typist looking for traffic, sure I've run Ubuntu in the past with part of the reason being that blog entries about Ubuntu get more traffic than entries about any other distribution.

I can tell you that writing about Debian doesn't bring as much traffic. I made a conscious choice to give Fedora a long-term tryout. I suspect that more people use Fedora than you might think, but it's still dwarfed by the onslaught of Ubuntu.


Nov 10, 2010
5:03 PM EDT
Steven, .. There are way more Fedora users than Ubuntu, by far. By counting downloads the Hats lead. However and unfortunately they tend to be the Strong, Silent type. Their sense of style too is lacking, since they all wear that weird head gear. So by one method or another they count for more.

Just wanted to clue you in - when the facts are not in your favor, be inventive (or innovate) or just plain make it up.


Nov 10, 2010
7:59 PM EDT
> ...lots of people willing to help (and not just say RTFM)...

That and that alone is the one reason I'm willing to recommend Ubuntu to Linux newbies. Being able to go to a forum and ask newbie questions without being insulted for being a newbie is a very valuable thing.

Nov 10, 2010
8:19 PM EDT
Speaking as a BSD user (mostly Open-, some Free-), unless you do your homework (and even if you do), they'll eat you alive.

Nov 10, 2010
8:35 PM EDT
Quoting:Speaking as a BSD user (mostly Open-, some Free-), unless you do your homework (and even if you do), they'll eat you alive.
Oh yeah - I ran FreeBSD in the 1990s. After that experience, the lkml seemed mild mannered.

Nov 10, 2010
8:49 PM EDT
Fedora's marketing emphasis, which you can see right at the top of their newly redesigned website http://fedoraproject.org/ is centered around the slogan, "Freedom. Friends. Features. First."

They're actively looking for contributors, encouraging users to get involved, and generally the Fedora Forums http://forums.fedoraforum.org/ are very helpful.

It sets the tone for the project. If you say "Friends," you pretty much say you're not going to flame somebody for being a newbie and not yet memorizing the man pages.

Sure Fedora has extremely close ties to Red Hat. For some that's a plus, for others not so much. But I think it's pretty clear what's going on vis a vis the profit-seeking Red Hat and the community project that has a lot of Red Hat contributors but is promoting Freedom as one of its four F's.

The Canonical/Ubuntu connection is different. I'm not saying better or worse, just different. There's no SABDFL in Fedora. (Of course OpenBSD does have such a SABDFL, and he's not all that benevolent either. He puts together a great OS, though ...)

Different strokes ...

Nov 11, 2010
12:54 AM EDT
Now if they werent tied to Fragmented, Frustrating, Fruitless, F****d .rpm's

Nov 11, 2010
1:03 AM EDT
There are too many Linuxes. We should just standardize on Ubuntu. Why? Because Mark Shuttleworth is dreamy.

Nov 11, 2010
1:44 AM EDT
no no no, geekdom united, keep the neophytes out, source source source (dependency resolution optional).

Nov 11, 2010
10:16 AM EDT
Should we test them first by making them walk barefoot on blacktop and then gravel in the summer? If they can do that, then maybe they can use Slackware.

Nov 11, 2010
11:10 AM EDT
Yes! Worthiness tests! The harder the better, mwahahaa. edlin, Emacs, info pages...

Nov 11, 2010
11:36 AM EDT

I fail.

Nov 11, 2010
12:09 PM EDT
> Because Mark Shuttleworth is dreamy...

So when does Angelina Jolie come out with a Linux distro?

Nov 11, 2010
8:29 PM EDT
I think Angelina Jolie comes out with a Linux distro, the day she finds out she can "adopt" her own distro!

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