In theory yes,... In practice, unfortunately, no...

Story: The Upcoming Linux Boom: 20 Reasons WhyTotal Replies: 1
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Oct 08, 2010
4:04 PM EDT
In theory, everything he says is a good compelling reason for Linux adoption. But, unfortunately, all these reasons have existed before, and yielded only small, but steady growth in adoption. There was never a "Year of Linux" on desktop or otherwise. There wlll never BE a "Year of Linux." There will just be a slow and steady groundswell until, all of a sudden, people realize there is market share.

I really wish there WAS a "Year of Linux," that way, everything I had been saying for years would come true, and people would stop looking at me like I was "Chicken Little."

Oct 08, 2010
5:50 PM EDT
JaseP, you are absolutely right. The only way there will ever be a major uptake of Linux on the desktop is when you can walk into the big box retailer and the Linux boxes are there next to the Windows boxes. We saw it for a time with netbooks and Linux still maintains a very respectable market share in that segment despite being pulled from the shelves.

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