
Story: Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen sues Google, Apple, Facebook, eight others over patentsTotal Replies: 4
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Aug 28, 2010
7:52 AM EDT
I have the perfect solution to shutting Microsoft up once and for all. If our legislators would pass laws more favorable towards Opens Source as several European countries have done or are beginning to do (France, Italy, Germany-to name a few) or take the stance of Russia (education departments use Open Source to get government funds and get none if they choose not to) we would not hear about such frivolous suits.

Aug 28, 2010
12:07 PM EDT
Quoting:If our legislators
Right there is the weak link. Our legislators prefer doing business with a convicted monopolist. Plus, there's the whole Not Invented Here™ syndrome, on both sides of the pond:

The US gov't looks at Linux and sees a summer holiday project started by some college brat in Finland.

Europe looks at Microsoft and remembers Laocoön's warning, "Trust not their presents, nor admit their horse."

Aug 28, 2010
1:42 PM EDT
True on that Gus 3-I believe you're right on both counts. That seems to be consensus of opinion in this country-let's do business with a convicted monopolist as you say. I believe that is the same consensus of opinion when I presented the idea of Open Source to the Bay County School District and never got to sit down with the staff at a meeting I was promised but never materialized.

Aug 28, 2010
5:35 PM EDT
> If our legislators would pass laws more favorable towards Opens Source

What? And give up all those campaign contributions?

Sep 02, 2010
10:44 PM EDT
You guys make some very valid points. But if the White House can go OSS (Drupal) why can't the rest of the country? It's time to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

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