Why no decent Free Software tools like this

Story: WonderWebWare Sitemap Generator on Linux with WineTotal Replies: 7
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Jul 13, 2010
5:12 PM EDT
I've looked for Free Software tools to do this before and never found any, how come no one botehrs to write such tools, are all true blue Free Software geeks hand coding their site maps, or don't they bother?

Jul 13, 2010
6:36 PM EDT
most of us probably have our own wget scripts to generate a site map file - eg "$ wget -rx -np --delete-after -o site.log http://lxer.com"

Granted, this exact set of parameters to wget will get you a lot more than you probably want, but that's what other options like '-X' are for.

check out what you can do with wget: http://linux.die.net/man/1/wget

Jul 13, 2010
8:02 PM EDT
Still that doesn't neatly format it into various formats for consumption by the search engines, you still have to do most of the work manually, or develop your own scripts. I don't have any, the people I'm trying to get to think about using Free Software tools before they reflexively go out and use/buy proprietary tools definitely won't, and yet there we are, a nice little proprietary package that does all the boilerplate stuff for you, that runs only on Windows (or WINE).

Jul 14, 2010
4:07 AM EDT
Yes, it would be nice if their was native Free Software like Sitemap Generator for Linux, BSD, OpenSolaris etc... This software is free to use, the developer just asks for Donations to help cover the cost of development. I'm happy the software works with Wine, it saved me allot of time and it does exactly what you need it to do.

Jul 14, 2010
6:12 AM EDT
Quoting:I've looked for Free Software tools to do this before and never found any

Look harder :-)

http://code.google.com/p/googlesitemapgenerator/ http://code.google.com/p/sitemap-generators/wiki/SitemapGene... http://sourceforge.net/projects/goog-sitemapgen/

Etcetera. Google has tons on more links.

Jul 14, 2010
6:33 AM EDT
Look harder :-)

The Google Sitemap Generator hasnt had a update in seven + months now, its beta and 50% of people dont like it. Someone needs to take the project over. :)

Jul 14, 2010
8:12 AM EDT
@twickline: No update in 7 months doesn't say much. The sitemap file format doesn't change. If the app works, why change it? As for it being beta, well, it's google. Everything is in perpetual beta. GMail was in beta for five years!

Jul 15, 2010
1:38 AM EDT
Thanks Sander, unfortunately it's not quite what I thought it would be. For 1. it only generates Google sitemaps and 2. it must be installed on the server for which the site map will be generated. The proprietary application still has better and more functionality.

In the second link, which lists a bunch of sitemap generators all the download and run locally versions are for Windows only, just like the proprietary one that started this thread.

the Linux and cross platform sitemap generators must be installed on the webserver that is to be mapped, which is fine, but it's not good if you are not able to or not allowed to install additional software to the server.

the third link is just the google sitemap generator again.

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