Now I can finally let go of foobar2000.

Story: Decibel Audio Player – Simple and nice music player for the GNOME desktopTotal Replies: 6
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Jul 03, 2010
5:13 PM EDT
I am not shameful to admit I have been using foobar2000 all these years through Wine because only it works correctly for my needs and have endless features.

Many of the linux players simply do not read my ID3 tags correctly. Many songs are shown as "Unknown" and they sort the songs by the upper and lower cases, this messes everything up. Rhythmbox, Amarok and Exaile all does this.

One time I had to manually empty all my ID3 tags and spend sometimes putting them back as lowercase. Yet somehow it didn't manage to fix the problem, somehow the old info are still there.

Decibel seems to be smart by displaying all songs in lowercase and only few of my songs are displayed as "Unknown", not hundreds. It's still lacking features such as Library can't sort by Genre, though the playlist can. I wouldn't say it is a replacement of foobar2000, but its good enough that I can live with and is easier to manage while having 2 sound cards instead of configuring them in Wine.

Jul 03, 2010
7:48 PM EDT
The hunt for a nice media player can be a demanding one, that's for sure!

I don't use Gnome, never have, maybe that's my problem, but I have to say I never had a media player that was as satisfying as Winamp. Sadly Winamp is not available on Linux and it's not free software, otherwise I'd be still using it.

XMMS pretty much did the job, but it didn't have 'flexible' skins with different sizes, forms and locations of controls. I still tried to 'factorize' the XMMS skin code in such a way the positions were variable, but almost before I started I failed because it was my first time trying to do C-programming on Linux, my skills were way to low to achieve such a thing.

Than came BMP, Beep Media Player, BMP2, XMMS2, Audacious and what have you. Those whole series left me pretty confused, and more important: It didn't work all that well.

So I went for Amarok. But it takes ages for it too start, lyrics output is garbled, I cannot search for files 'on filename', i.e. which don't have an ID-tag, sometimes it crashes, it's also a pretty long compile (but I have to blame my distro choice for that issue), sometimes songs are 'grouped' into an album even if I never wished to do so, from time to time it gives database-problems and I bet there's more I already forgot.

So I'm looking for "something in between". Probably, the thing Winamp was. But still didn't find it.

Maybe I have to look at Gnome alternatives again?

Jul 03, 2010
11:12 PM EDT
> Probably, the thing Winamp was. But still didn't find it.

Have you looked at Zinf?

Jul 04, 2010
4:19 AM EDT
Quoting:One time I had to manually empty all my ID3 tags and spend sometimes putting them back as lowercase.

For proper retagging, I recommend Musicbrainz. It works quite well.

Jul 04, 2010
6:20 AM EDT
OK, thanks. I will be trying those suggestions.

I found out Zinf used to be FreeAmp. Wow, how ignorant can I be to never have heard about FreeAmp...

Jul 13, 2010
1:18 PM EDT
Maybe you can try this Qt one too: Qmmp

Jul 13, 2010
7:04 PM EDT
ooooo... look at all the pretty themes with Zinf ...

I particularly like the "Hilfiger" and "MS Office" themes...

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